Friday, June 9, 2023

The iilluminaughtii Situation is Way Worse And Out of Control [UPDATE: June 12, 2023]

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Holy shit, as if the whole drama never ends with Blair. So, we are back once again to give you another update regarding Blair and her shitty tactics. This is also not the first time I talked about her. In fact, I've talked about her twice now; the first one titled "iilluminaughtii: When Shit Goes Too Far" which goes over the history, issues with LegalEagle and her manipulation and abuse towards the members of Sad Milk and the second one being an Update which covers the state of her content and her complete lost in subscribers. Since it had been roughly a couple of weeks, since then there had been new information about her and to be perfectly honest, it's quite damning to say the least.

What's New Again:

Doubling Down the Allegations / Cease & Desist? / Still Getting Sponsors:

Since I talked about the quick recap in the last update post, I won't be talking about it here. If you want to hear the history of Blair, check out the previous posts linked at the top.

While this is a slight update, this is more of a continuation of the previous post. So where do we begin with this? Well, on May 26, Blair came out with a Twitter thread basically an attempted hitpiece against the allegations that were coming out against her. The comments on this thread were mostly negative as expected when the evidence against her came out at the ending of April. However, there were some alt accounts of hers basically defending herself but she's completely losing the battle on that one. Also, she claims that the allegations were false, yet she hasn't come out with any proof of that. Now what she's trying to do is unleash her full abusive power to the extent.

Her abusive power to the extent is repossession of Wonderstruck's (one of the victims) vehicle therefor losing his play button and all his items and Sending Cease & Desist letters to the victims. While Blair is losing the battle, Wonderstruck and the gang are getting full support from users. Wonderstruck had set up a gofundme page as well as his girlfriend also. Keep in mind that Blair is trying to silence them over the abuse she caused. She is the pure definition of a laughingstock and demands apologies from the victims for destroying her reputation. If any means, similar to SNEAKO. This still leads to doubling down on the allegations because once again, she's downplaying it like nothing ever happened and hasn't provided any proof. She clearly cannot be trusted. YouTuber's like MARKIE, SWOOP, Dumpy and HarleyTBS had already discussed this situation.

Meanwhile on her channel, she continues to pump out garbage with a like to dislike ratio being more and more dislikes. Like I said before, she still continues to downplay everything that is surrounding her. The worst part about this is that she is still getting sponsored by popular companies like Mint, Honey and Stitchfix without them ever realizing what has been going on. It's disgusting and the sponsors need to drop her. Now in terms of her subscriber count, Blair had reached her peak in April with 1,700,000 subscribers but after the allegations came out, as of today it's down to 1,460,000. A big noticeable difference. In the last 30 days, she's lost 120k subs and it continues to go down. Of course, she's never going to recover from this. I will keep this post updated if any more information comes out.

UPDATE: June 12, 2023:

I never thought that I would do the first update regarding Blair and her shitty tactics of silencing people she dislikes but here we are with the first Update. Now there was a part that I talked about last time on how she still has sponsors, well now the sponsors are dropping her altogether. The dropped sponsors so far is StitchFix, HelloFresh and Factor_ though the ones that are still with her are MintMobile, Honey, ExpressVPN and many others. MintMobile however will drop her soon after a message they said to a user about looking into an investigation. The same goes for the service Patreon. Patreon had launch an investigation also against Blair for violating the Terms of Service which is honestly quite a surprise for them since people break their ToS every single time on their website. At least everyone is stepping into every sponsor she still has to basically drop her altogether.

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