Sunday, March 19, 2023

BabaStreams: The Terrible JellyBean Clone

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
This post was originally created on March 3, 2022.

Oh boy, it's a PNGTuber and we haven't talked about any of them in a while. All of them are terrible, but this one (along with Meowbahh) are considered to be the worst ones. I actually mentioned this guy back in July of 2022 with a post titled 'JellyBean And the Awful Clones' and he was considered to be an honorable mention in terms of the terrible clickbaity content and the lack of braincells. Well, he's getting a separate post because what he did last year was way too far. For today's post we are talking about BabaStreams; a PNGTuber who makes videos in the Minecraft community, but had the ability to dox JellyBean to what in his mind calls an accident.

The Major Fall:

Clickbait Content / The Doxxing of JellyBean / Response / Didn't Listen:

The PNGTuber craze is fucking terrible and BabaStreams is considered to be one of the worst ones. All of his 'stories' rely just for the sole purpose for clickbaiting. Roughly 85-90% of the videos and video thumbnails are all about girls in seductive poses, making him the biggest creep to be on the platform. Then there's also the stories where he would tell that was related to the LGBTQ community, not realizing that what he's saying is just him being a despicable bigot and for something that he's not being part of. Obviously, this guy is waiting to get punched in the face.

You know how this is going to go. Apparently last year on March 19, 2022, Baba makes a video titled "How Jellybean COPIED ME!" in which he tries to explain on why JellyBean copied him. Baba somehow failed his point on that because JellyBean posted her first PNG related Minecraft video on October 28, 2021, way before him so that's totally bullshit. Also the reason why I didn't link the video is because JellyBean ended up being doxxed and basically, Baba showed her face in the video. As a result, the video was received very poorly with 12k likes to 71.5k dislikes. Many people in the comment section were questioning as to why he would do this? From what I've heard, he's re-edited the video to cut that part out.

After light of the drama, many YouTubers like Jalyn and Squareo made videos on him about the situation. It took roughly a week and a half for him to respond and on March 30, 2022, he makes a response video (shown above) about it. It was just as terrible, and it was also a non-apology. The video was received mixed with 2.4k likes to 2.4k dislikes. Just like before, many people in the comment section were also questioning about the response video as to why he was defending himself when he knew the damage was done? Several YouTuber's such as KeidBoi, Lanza and Ryth made videos about his terrible response. Also, one thing to note is that Baba tries to prove everyone wrong as he's mentioned videos that talk shit about him in the past but fails horribly. Plus, the guy himself is still fucking creepy.

You would think that this would put a stop to this and that he would learn, but the problem is you'd be wrong on that. Roughly 2 months later on May 27, 2022, he makes a clickbait video (shown above) of him trying to dox other PNGTuber's but in the video, he just ranks the PNGTuber's on a tier list. Afterwards he kept on going to his shitty content that no one likes and is flatout annoying. Honestly, this is the pure definition of human scum, and he shouldn't have been recovered from this. He should've been banned from the start.

Images & Sources:

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