Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The State of This Blog [Album Archive Deletion]

I typically stay out of these types of topics, but this is so bad that it needs to be discussed because it involves not only Blogger users but also people who use hangouts or any google application. So, this is kind of an update situation regarding this blog at its current state.

Roughly about 5 days ago around the time that when I was making a post regarding The Pink Sauce Lady, I (and many others) received an email from Google talking about the deletion of The Album Archive. Typically, when you upload and share photos, those photos will be transferred to The Album Archives to which you can view them later. Unfortunately, this is devastating to users who use any of their services including Blogger because any of the photos you share with their services are affected.

So, what does this mean for this blog? Well, I know for a fact that all of the images present here will most likely be deleted by the time the deadline meets and therefor, you might see the images as dead icons. It also sucks since I've been on this blog for roughly a year and I've come very far to what it is today. Anyways, I will continue to make posts on this blog but once it comes close to the deadline, I will have to find an alternative. One that comes to mind is either WordPress, Medium or Wix.

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