Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Zoe Laverne - The Day Family: A Disgusting Human Being

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
Even though it says The Day Family, the person we're talking about is Zoe Laverne.

Another day and yet another YouTube predator. It would seem like it's a never-ending cycle as any sort of situation all comes down to disgusting behavior and I've talked about quite a few of them like Cryaotic, Khord Kitty, Entity Mays, AmorAltra, Charem the Shadox, Mini LaddAntoonsRocky Rakoon and Horror Versions. Each one getting more and more problematic and that's exactly what this user did. Today we are talking about Zoe Laverne; a YouTuber that used to do beauty and stuff related to makeup on Instagram but was caught (just like the rest of them) in the line of predatory behavior with a 13-year-old and tried to deny it and blaming the victim.

To kind of make this a quick story, Zoe used to do stuff related to makeup and beauty on her Instagram account as well as being known on the defunct social media, (moved to TikTok). I would assume that she had a channel at some point but most of the videos have been either privated or removed. 

The Huge Downfall:

Cheating / Predatory Allegations:

So, for those that need context, there is a guy named Cody Orlove and Zoe used to date him as well as make videos on a channel called Cody & Zoe. The relationship ended in 2020 but back in March of 2019 during Cody's livestream on Instagram (shown above), Zoe claimed that she hadn't cheated on Cody but later on in the stream, she openly admitted to it later. At some point during the stream, everyone pointed the finger at Zoe and she ended up having a complete meltdown. The relationship kind of fluctuated between March-May of 2019 before getting back together again.

Near the ending of May (May 26, 2019, to be exact), Cody slams Zoe for sexual harassment. As shown in the video above, he goes on to tell the situations such as Zoe trying to kiss him against his will as well as doing disgusting shit. Speaking of which.

Right around the same year (in November of 2020), Zoe was exposed for kissing a 13-year-old fan on the lips when at the time she was 19. The video tweet shown above is the pathetic emotional breakdown with Zoe and her crocodile tears because she was caught. When the drama circulated, she made a response video (shown above) about the situation and that 'they were making the situation a lot bigger than what it actually was.' At this point she still didn't understand and obviously the age difference is terrible. Meanwhile, DramaAlert gets into the mix and talks about the drama surrounding Zoe in a couple of videos as well as Repzion and SomeOrdinaryGamer making videos on her actions as well. This was pretty much the end of her career and even her pregnancy announcement in February of 2021 didn't hide her actions. She's still guilty and also lied about her arrest. The fan (who goes by the name of Connor Joyce) claimed that Zoe had feeling and that Connor was going to address it soon.

Selling 'Exlusive' Photos of Her Baby:

With the light of the drama, it was pretty much the end of her career. There have been various different news sources talking about her predatory behavior like Insider and NewsHub but this final part is the nail in the coffin. at the beginning of October 2021 (the same year when she made the pregnancy announcement), there had been a rumor going around saying that Zoe sold some exlusive photos of her baby to basically pay for hospital care. By the ending of October, the rumors were true as various different news sources picked up on this story like New York Post, Insider (again) and The Sun. Even some YouTuber's such as anna oop, Spill Plug, InformOverload and Hollywire picked up on the story also. Such a terrible person.

Images & Sources:

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