Saturday, June 24, 2023

Whatever Happened to Two Awesome Gamers

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

Apart from the news that Google said about deleting the Album Archives, I will continue to post until the deadline meets and will have to switch to a different service. Now before you get mad at me for putting these guys here on the list, be aware that I used to be a fan of theirs back in the day. In fact, I was originally going to create another blog related to the best YouTuber's out there and put them on that list, but with the change that they did was a fatal mistake on their end and it shouldn't have been this way. I mean we've definitely see this happened before like when I talked about a Roblox YouTuber by the name of Straw. With that being said, let's talk about Two Awesome Gamers.

Two Awesome Gamers (formed by Whitelite (Alex) and J3ZA (Jeremy)) started their career and their account on October 11, 2010, and uploaded their first video 4 days later on October 15 titled "TAG Minecraft- 1 -Two Player Survival Mode." The video is both Whitelite and J3ZA playing Multiplayer version of Minecraft back when the game was brand new to YouTube. During this time, they were playing other games like Modern Warfare 2 as an example. In the winter of 2011, they started their community server to which players can join in on the fun. Videos would come up that was related to Minecraft including some Redstone Tutorials during the summer months of 2011. Around the fall of 2011, they had created a popular series titled Minecraft Sky Block and it was considered to be the best series on their channel. Any time when a new series would come out related to other games, the top comment is always MORE SKYBLOCK.

The Downfall:

Selling The Channel / Abandoned:

The channel grew in rapid succession until things started to change around in 2016. Jeremy had left temporarily in 2014 but had returned in 2015 to reunite with Alex. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst. On April 18, 2016, they had uploaded an update to the channel discussing that both Alex and Jeremy would be handing it over to their friends Max and Kyle, essentially both Max and Kyle would takeover the channel altogether. They also explain that they may appear in some videos in the near future. The first problem with this tactic is that selling your channel to someone else is a bad idea most of the time. If you're that confident that the people will make the channel successful is a stupid reason and seems like an afterthought. It's like the final episode of Blues Clues all over again.

This leads to the fall of Two Awesome Gamers. Both Kyle and Max were in charge of taking over the channel and after the release of The Spice Off, the channel was completely abandoned and fell into complete obscurity but whatever happened to them? Well, to be perfectly honest I don't really know. Some clues indicate that they're active on social media which is somewhat true but again it's really not. Based on this tweet from 2017, they said that they were coming back though the video linked was deleted. Their Facebook doesn't exist, Twitter exists with tweets dating back from 2017Instagram exists with posts dating back from 2015 and their Steam Community exists with users wishing them to come back. As far as I can tell, the Discord is the only one that still has a community that's active to this day although there isn't any staff. So there you have it. I know for a fact that people will be upset about this post, but when you simply give away your channel, bad things will happen most of the time and it's truly upsetting.

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