Monday, July 31, 2023

Jinx Finally Quit: The Hated Reaction Channel

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

This really doesn't come to a complete surprise as reaction channels are complete garbage (some but not all of them). Anytime when a video comes out on YouTube, someone is destined to react to it. No matter what it is, they'll get desperate for that sweet YouTube ad revenue. Well, this YouTuber who goes by the alias Jinx on YouTube (real name is Anthony Brady if you searched it up on famous birthdays) has been soaked up into the reaction channel bandwagon has finally decided to quit YouTube altogether. Now it really didn't say why he quit but I would assume family life. The question comes as to why Jinx was the most hated reaction channel on YouTube? Well, were going to talk about that.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Gamers Nation: Worst 'Filmmaking' Creator

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Dear god!  If you ever thought that hitting near rock bottom wasn't bad enough, the level of content that the terrible YouTube channels produce are downright disgusting as a whole. That pretty much applies with any community out there like the Gacha Community which was started by a predator. Even when you go on the homepage of YouTube, you would sometimes see videos related to Gacha and its so fucking cringe that you lose faith in humanity. Anyways, today we are going to be talking about Gamers Nation; an Egyptian YouTuber who specializes in 'filmmaking' and doesn't play games but instead makes incredibly disturbing Gacha content that should be banned off of YouTube.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Cooking With Jack: The Atrocious Cooking YouTuber

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
This post is being rewritten.

I typically tend to avoid YouTube channels that involve cooking (in other words Cooking YouTubers). When something comes up that involves cooking, you know that it's going to be bad. Not all cooking channels are bad, in fact there is some good ones out there like Tasty and Babish Culinary Universe as an example. Then there are the bad ones and there's so many of them like this dude that were going to talk about. This guy has been popping up in my feed and I don't watch food-based channels. So for this we have Cooking With Jack; a YouTuber who would make dishes and recipes, but those said recipes are disgusting, he's had 3 strokes and there are some things behind the scenes.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Update on Eugenia Cooney

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I never would've thought that I would actually talk about the skeleton chick again but here we are. In fact, she has gotten even worse from here on out. All of this has to come with just straight up ignorance and not taking full responsibility. When I talked about her back in October of 2022, I discussed some of the issues on what she was facing including her mother being the most insane person. It turns out that she has anorexia nervosa which is why she fears about her weight. But anyways, we are talking about her once again as there's new information coming out about her and some older articles that aged so poorly. She is never going to listen nor change.

Friday, July 21, 2023

MurrrTV: From Kickstarter to Scam Into Obscurity

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
This is an experimental post regarding a Kickstarter Project and will only be one.

If you've seen my previous and yet current update on the state of this blog, you'll know that it's been saved, and I will continue to post content. Anyways, I never talk about anything related to Kickstarter Projects but the only time that I mentioned the word Kickstarter is when I made a post regarding Coolcatfunhouse (with Update) so this will be the only one, but I'll probably make another blog regarding Kickstarter Projects eventually. But anyways, today we are talking about MurrrTV which is a furry based talk show compiled by two people who created this project for the sole purpose of taking people's money and leaving without speaking a word of it.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

False Alarm: This Blog is Saved

Well, hello there. If you're reading this post, then I would be the first to say congratulations. In all seriousness, this is a post that I need to address as to what I talked about in the last post regarding an update on LupisVulpes.

In it, I discussed at the beginning that this would be the last and final post that I would make because of Google's Album Archive Deletion that took place yesterday on July 19. After waiting for a while to take this into effect, I noticed that all of the images were not being destroyed. Apparently, Blogger saves the images under the 'Add Images' selection to Blogger which can be navigated at the 'Insert Image' button. With that being said, this blog is saved.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Update on LupisVulpes

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Because today's the day of Google's deletion of the Album Archives, this will probably be the last and final post here on this blog so bear with me for those that see it. Anyways, LupisVulpes remains on of the mysteries here on this blog. With the evidence of her coming out as being homophobic and a racist, it is apparently based on her beliefs because she is a Christian. For those that don't know, I did a post regarding her titled 'LupisVulpes: Whatever Happened to Her?' and briefly talked about the drama as well as her disappearance. Since time has past, this is the first update regarding her disappearance. There won't be as much information as there's not much to go over.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Ribs is Still a Toxic Person

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I never actually thought that we would talk about this person again but here we are. It's almost as if the vibes are coming across as to being somewhat edgy. Anyways, we are back once again with another post talking about this person again by the name of Ribs. For those that don't know and need context, I did a post back in May of this year titled "The Toxic Behavior of Ribs" and how she's been in the mental breakdown for the stuff leading up to her downfall. Well now as of today, there has been more information coming out against her including an interview from another Roblox YouTuber. Also, there's more stuff against her that is even worse than what it was back in April.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

NoughtPointFourLIVE is Still Terrible

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Ah yes, who couldn't forget about the infamous Grand Theft Auto 5 scam-based YouTube Channels? I know I didn't because a lot of them have flooded since the release of GTA 5 as a whole. If you've seen my post regarding Sernando (ft. Clones), then you'll know that I mentioned this guy plus several others. Even MrBossFTW had its own separate post here on this blog so I figured why not talk about this guy because he's still ongoing producing some of the worst content out there. Well, for today's post we are going to be talking about NoughtPointFourLIVE; a YouTuber who makes GTA 5 content like the rest of them, but misleads his audience with false information regarding the game.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

The iilluminaughtii Situation is Still Beyond Disgusting [UPDATE: November 10, 2023]

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Blair Zoń, a name that sticks to your mind like the forbidden fruit. Who couldn't forget about YouTube's favorite triangle/Pyramid? Well, I sure as hell don't because she too insufferable that I might as well go completely deaf. If you been following along the story regarding Blair, you'll know that I've talked about her within the past few weeks. In fact, I've talked about her on three separate posts with new information coming out. It's almost as if she's being exposed for her actions every single solitary day. But anyways, we are talking about her once again because some of the newest information that had come out recently is honestly the most disgusting thing you'll ever see.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

1 Year Anniversary

Well since it's the month of July already (as if this year is blowing by so fast), I can safely say that this is the first-year anniversary of this blog and to be perfectly honest I'm just as surprised as you are. It's also crazy that I wasn't expecting for this blog to take off as it was but since it has gotten so far with over 100 posts (with some containing updates), it's an achievement overall. Since this is the first-year anniversary, there won't be as much in this post in terms of it being too much informative however I will put up a couple of my favorite posts that I've worked on in the past kind of similar to when I did that of New Years Day. So here are a few of my favorites that I've worked on in the past. Unfortunately, given the fact that we can't see tweets from Twitter without an account as well as Google doing this change where it's removing the album archives, this blog is pretty much dead if things won't change. With that being said, let's begin.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Whatever Happened to ExpertVillage

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people or this company.
Happy 4th of July.

If you have seen my latest status regarding the state of this blog and the fact that Elon has temporary block users who don't have an account, well the content will be slightly different for the time being until things are resolved. In the meantime, let's talk about a website/company. Tutorials are pretty much everywhere, and they've been everywhere since the beginning of YouTube in 2005. Nowadays with how-to videos, they seem to be extremely dated especially for the way the content is produced. For this reason I give you ExpertVillage; a tutorial-based channel that makes how-to videos but has since disappeared off of the internet and came back in 2020. The surprising thing was that this was the last post I did when I used the Google Sites site before I was locked out of that account.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

State of This Blog [Twitter's 'Temporary' Issue] [UPDATE July 8, 2023]

Hello everyone, I figured I would start out with this post to give you another update status regarding the previous status. It's also surprising given the fact that the previous status happened a week ago so with this one comes out with some more news that is by far the worst.

I typically use Twitter for the vast majority of the sources (essentially source grabbing) back when this blog first began but then switched to an alternative tweet viewer known as Nitter which has so many instances. Very recently, Elon Musk decided to temporarily implement a change that would restrict users to view tweets without an account. Even going to Nitter and searching tweets doesn't work because Nitter mimics Twitter with everything being posted. Based on the top search of this problem, Elon did this change to deter the third-party scraping of data from the platform, though it doesn't make any sense since twitter has all of the data from created accounts. I don't know and I don't care.

Unfortunately, I was working on a post related to iilluminaughtii almost the fourth time but because of this, it will have to be postponed until the restriction is lifted. For the time being, I'm going to be taking a break from this blog until everything is resolved. Hopefully, it won't be for very long. See you then.

UPDATE: July 8, 2023:

This is somewhat of good news, but it probably won't be for very long. When I brought up Nitter and the instances, they were pretty much useless because it mimics Twitter. However, I was able to find one instance that still works. The instance URL is I know it's a long string but hopefully it will stay on forever. And I could use but that doesn't let me view tweets or replies, only the profiles and status.