Sunday, July 9, 2023

The iilluminaughtii Situation is Still Beyond Disgusting [UPDATE: November 10, 2023]

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Blair Zoń, a name that sticks to your mind like the forbidden fruit. Who couldn't forget about YouTube's favorite triangle/Pyramid? Well, I sure as hell don't because she too insufferable that I might as well go completely deaf. If you been following along the story regarding Blair, you'll know that I've talked about her within the past few weeks. In fact, I've talked about her on three separate posts with new information coming out. It's almost as if she's being exposed for her actions every single solitary day. But anyways, we are talking about her once again because some of the newest information that had come out recently is honestly the most disgusting thing you'll ever see.

What's New Yet Again:

Sponsorship Drops / Sockpuppet Account / Defending Creeps in Discord:

Regarding anything that has been new over the last several weeks, the last update that I did in the previous post talked about her sponsorships dropping her. Now at the time I'm making this post, ExpressVPN dropped her as well however the contracts take a while so will have to wait until it goes into effect. As far as I can tell, the only other sponsor left that needs to be terminated is Honey. What's crazy about the ExpressVPN debacle is that when they were still sponsoring her and not realizing the abuse she has done, the comments on one of her videos at the time were even quite more damning than ever before. There was also another company that she owned and was also dropped but I don't have proof of that.

Now this is where the story gets rather bizarre and baffling. A YouTuber by the name of CB2 makes a video exposing Blair for her tactics in having pedophiles in her Discord server. She had used a sockpuppet account under the name Carolin Daykin as a disguise in support of Blair but after a little investigation, she ran the account. CB2 tried to talk to Blair about this but was completely ignored. What followed up on June 28 was a leak Discord conversation between Blair and CJ with Blair sending a Private Investigator to her attorneys against CB2. On the same day, CB2 made a video on this topic. It's almost as if she's never going to stop and admit defeat. As far as I can tell (as of yet), nothing has came from this. CB2 continued to make videos like normal. In terms of the Cease-and-Desist letters that the other victims got, nothing ever progressed.

Now when I close out a post like this, I usually show the subscriber count on socialblade. I've already shown it a few times so I might as well show it again. She had reached peak at around 1.7M subscribers but within a span of a few months she's now at 1.42M subscribers. At the time I'm making this post, she had lost 280,000 subscribers and socialblade is making the yearly estimate at a loss of 600k subs. It clearly shows that she's running her channel down the drain. Since she didn't start mass blocking the negative comments, every single new video on her channel is filled with negative comments. If you don't believe me, go to her channel and see for yourself.

UPDATE: September 11, 2023:

So, I took a long break from reporting on the iilluminaughtii drama and the situations regarding the victims of Blair. Even though this updated post was made two months ago, I figured that I would continue to update it rather than creating another separate one as I've made quite a few. The first part of this update involves Oz who was one of the victims. Blair is continuing to attack him and still threaten legal action against him and trying to take his belongings like his house if he spoke out. To make matters worse is that she's still posting videos like nothing has happened with still the massive number of dislikes per video since the start of the controversy. Even though it took a while, all of her sponsors were finally dropped from her channel after a series of investigations concluded. The second part involves the stats on socialblade. By the time that gets near the ending of 2023 that she will be well below 1M. I don't know but will have to wait and see.

UPDATE: November 10, 2023:

Not a single negative comment in sight.

It has been roughly two months since my last update on Blair. In fact, I just don't have the joy in doing updates regarding posts, but I will still continue to update them whenever I can. Anyways for this update, Blair had been doing some tactics regarding her channel. Unfortunately, no matter how many people reported on the sponsors, she's still getting sponsored by them like Mintmobile and Shipstation. With the people that actually reported on this, many of the sponsors looked into the situation but kept ongoing continuing to sponsor her when they know damn good and well about her manipulating the system. Despite all of her videos from the start of the controversy to today, she's still being disliked bomb to death which is not surprising even if you know the story behind it all. She's also been moderating the comments to where you can't see any negative comments on her videos, though some actually peak through here and there. It's almost as if she had enough of it. Now at the time I'm making this update, last time I talked about her socialblade she was slightly below 1.4M subs. Now she's at 1.32M subs so you know that her career will be dead pretty soon.

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