Monday, July 24, 2023

Update on Eugenia Cooney

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I never would've thought that I would actually talk about the skeleton chick again but here we are. In fact, she has gotten even worse from here on out. All of this has to come with just straight up ignorance and not taking full responsibility. When I talked about her back in October of 2022, I discussed some of the issues on what she was facing including her mother being the most insane person. It turns out that she has anorexia nervosa which is why she fears about her weight. But anyways, we are talking about her once again as there's new information coming out about her and some older articles that aged so poorly. She is never going to listen nor change.

What's New:

Cosplay Drama / Poorly Aged Articles:

Eugenia sure as hell hasn't changed one bit since I talked about her back in October of 2022. However, since then she had stirred up some controversy pretty recently. On July 2, she had posted a tweet and titled it 'SISTER EUGENIA' in which she dresses up as a nun and giving out the hand signals of death. This was met with intense backlash from Christians and the way she portrayed it in front of a church was too damn offensive. PinkNews covered on the topic. The craziest thing about this video is that her insane mother is doing all the filming thinking that it's a good idea. She's living like that episode of American Dad where stan sees himself as being fat but for others, he's underweight.

When it comes to the articles about her, they're everywhere. However, there is one that had stuck out like a sore thumb and it's an article from The Daily Dot. Originally posted back in June of 2019, they talk about how Eugenia is giving fans hope after some of her newest photos (at the time) looking in better condition. The article also references to her tweets as well as several other YouTuber tweets about her 'amazing' achievement. Well, there is a thing called sugarcoating as the article aged very poorly because they should see her now. As a result, she relapsed.

Of course, this wasn't all. On March 27, 2023, another article coming from explains Eugenia as well as another YouTuber named Nicokado Avocado being under the same coin. Under the Eugenia section of the article, it did in fact show that she did relapse and gave up halfway through. With all that hope comes down to an abysmal crumble. So, there you have it. While this may not be the greatest of information, it shows on where she's at today. When someone tries to get her to seek help, she doesn't listen. If she doesn't get help, she's going to be dead.

Images & Sources:

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