Saturday, July 1, 2023

State of This Blog [Twitter's 'Temporary' Issue] [UPDATE July 8, 2023]

Hello everyone, I figured I would start out with this post to give you another update status regarding the previous status. It's also surprising given the fact that the previous status happened a week ago so with this one comes out with some more news that is by far the worst.

I typically use Twitter for the vast majority of the sources (essentially source grabbing) back when this blog first began but then switched to an alternative tweet viewer known as Nitter which has so many instances. Very recently, Elon Musk decided to temporarily implement a change that would restrict users to view tweets without an account. Even going to Nitter and searching tweets doesn't work because Nitter mimics Twitter with everything being posted. Based on the top search of this problem, Elon did this change to deter the third-party scraping of data from the platform, though it doesn't make any sense since twitter has all of the data from created accounts. I don't know and I don't care.

Unfortunately, I was working on a post related to iilluminaughtii almost the fourth time but because of this, it will have to be postponed until the restriction is lifted. For the time being, I'm going to be taking a break from this blog until everything is resolved. Hopefully, it won't be for very long. See you then.

UPDATE: July 8, 2023:

This is somewhat of good news, but it probably won't be for very long. When I brought up Nitter and the instances, they were pretty much useless because it mimics Twitter. However, I was able to find one instance that still works. The instance URL is I know it's a long string but hopefully it will stay on forever. And I could use but that doesn't let me view tweets or replies, only the profiles and status.

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