Thursday, July 27, 2023

Cooking With Jack: The Atrocious Cooking YouTuber

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
This post is being rewritten.

I typically tend to avoid YouTube channels that involve cooking (in other words Cooking YouTubers). When something comes up that involves cooking, you know that it's going to be bad. Not all cooking channels are bad, in fact there is some good ones out there like Tasty and Babish Culinary Universe as an example. Then there are the bad ones and there's so many of them like this dude that were going to talk about. This guy has been popping up in my feed and I don't watch food-based channels. So for this we have Cooking With Jack; a YouTuber who would make dishes and recipes, but those said recipes are disgusting, he's had 3 strokes and there are some things behind the scenes.

Cooking with Jack Show (also known as Jack Scalfani) started his account on July 25, 2006. The channel remained inactive for roughly 7 months until February 9, 2007, when the first video titled "How to Cut a Pineapple" was released. His early video typically involved things related to tutorials like Cutting an Onion or Peeling an Egg and mostly in the food department. On October 3, 2008, he started doing food dishes like How to Make Spaghetti Sauce and shortly after is the birth of Lazy Man's Cooking. This boasted him in subscribers because apparently it was popular at the time of him recording it. It got so popular that he kept on doing it with videos like Lazy Man's Super Bowl Chili and Lazy Man's Strawberry Cream Cake. One of his most popular and yet most viewed video on his channel is titled "Tips & Tricks #1 - Poor Man's Filet Mignon" which sits at over 13M views and was posted back on March 13, 2010.

The Major Fall:

Eating Raw Food & Suffering Strokes / Abusing His Son:

Just like any post here on this blog, it will be divided into separate topics. Anyways, Cooking with Jack Show with Jack Scalfani is considered to be one of the worst cooks of all time. The reason for this is because he severely undercooks everything. A primary example of this is his video titled "McCormick Bag 'N Season" video where he uses the McCormick Bag 'N Season on some chicken. About three quarters of the way through the video, you can see that he undercooked it by a long shot and you can see blood because it wasn't done properly. Many people pointed this out that the whole thing is just flatout raw and disgusting.

Apart from the undercooked foods that he's been eating, it always makes you wonder how he is still alive and functioning. Well, because it's food and it's his desire to eat said food regardless of the cooking state if it's completely raw. It's also mostly the fact that he has diabetes and has been continuing to eat this type of food for over a decade. Things took a huge turn as in 2011 he had suffered a stroke as explained in the video above. This wasn't the first time that he had one. In 2018, he suffered another stroke for the second time and then again in May of 2023 for the third time. 3 strokes on 3 separate occasions which is insane.

Of course, this doesn't stop there. A WordPress site appeared in 2016 titled Down With Jack Scalfani with the sole purpose of exposing Jack and the atrocious behavior he has since he started his channel. The most controversial one was when he went on a Christian based podcast talking about his behavior of his son including shoving his mother against a wall all due to weed (it doesn't work like that). Jack stops his son and says that he choked him until he bled out his nose which is straight up child abuse. There could've been other ways to settle things out but instead, he took the tough guy way. Now there was some claims that the son is homeless but that was never proven because the video shown above only just describes the choking incident. I will continue to update this post whenever I can.

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