Thursday, July 20, 2023

False Alarm: This Blog is Saved

Well, hello there. If you're reading this post, then I would be the first to say congratulations. In all seriousness, this is a post that I need to address as to what I talked about in the last post regarding an update on LupisVulpes.

In it, I discussed at the beginning that this would be the last and final post that I would make because of Google's Album Archive Deletion that took place yesterday on July 19. After waiting for a while to take this into effect, I noticed that all of the images were not being destroyed. Apparently, Blogger saves the images under the 'Add Images' selection to Blogger which can be navigated at the 'Insert Image' button. With that being said, this blog is saved.

So what's next for this blog? Well, the blog has been making a comeback and I will produce more content and even some more obscure ones like TikTok and Conventions as an example. While the problems were happening throughout the start of July, I was producing lower quality content that wasn't up to the standards.

Because I've been finding more sources for the Nitter Instances, I can now get back to it producing more content. In terms of the upload schedule, it will remain the same as what it has been within the last couple of weeks. Until then, the next post will be interesting.

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