Tuesday, January 31, 2023

MrBossFTW: The GTA Scam Artist

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

For the viewers who have been around from July to today here on this blog (and also being on YouTube for a long period of time), you've probably already seen this guy before. I know this because I talked about him when I did the Sernando post featuring the clickbaiting clones. This time we are just talking about one of the clones today because the backstory for this guy is pretty damn interesting/funny and for this, we have MrBossFTW; a YouTuber who talks about 'news and updates' regarding the GTA and Red Dead Redemption franchise but those news and update videos are a big scam and just like Sernando, he fools people into thinking that he has a legit copy of GTA 6 but doesn't.

MrBossFTW (formerly known as James Ross Hudgins) started his account on March 20, 2010. The channel remained inactive until February 27, 2012 when the first video titled "Black Ops 2 Information - "Black Ops 2 Rumors" - Rumors & Possible Information" was released. In the early days, his content would revolve around Call of Duty and speculations surrounding Black Ops 2 (even though his first video was in February of 2012, the game was released in the fall of 2012). Eventually he slowly started to change his content when GTA 5 was released. That gave him new ways to make his content and one of the most popular yet most viewed video on his channel is titled "GTA 5 DLC $100,000,000 SPENDING SPREE"

The Fall:

Massive Amount of Clickbait Still / The N Word / Fake Giveaways:

Yes, as you probably read from the title, MrBoss does a massive amount of GTA clickbait. He used to do that with Red Dead Redemption back in 2019, but it was short lived. Based on his content in comparison to Sernando, it's not very surprising. The screenshot above is a primary example (though this is back in July of 2022) of the type of content he does and it's all bullshit. One other thing I forgot to mention when I originally did the Sernando post is that he'll stretch the video close to or over 10 minutes which only accounts to 2 minutes of GTA news and mods. This allows him to gain a shit-ton of money over something that's completely false. As a result, many YouTubers like PooboramaBillsYT and SWEGTA to make videos on James's clickbait as well as others like TOERAG and Tylarious. Also the thumbnails for his GTA 6 videos are vastly different to fool people into thinking that it's legit.

Yes, you've seen it from the screenshot tweet alone, James (a.k.a MrBossFTW) used the N word in the comment section on one of his videos. With him saying that you would think that he would get cancelled for it, but he doesn't, and people don't realize it. Now for this next part we are talking about the giveaways because it's quite the show. James would host these GTA giveaways either on his channel or on social media. I'm just going to say this right now, never trust any YouTuber giveaways because you won't get anything out of them. Even when he picks the winner of the giveaways, he'll never send the money to the account and therefor keep the money from them. This was also exposed by several YouTuber's in the community.

Images & Sources:

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