Thursday, July 13, 2023

NoughtPointFourLIVE is Still Terrible

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Ah yes, who couldn't forget about the infamous Grand Theft Auto 5 scam-based YouTube Channels? I know I didn't because a lot of them have flooded since the release of GTA 5 as a whole. If you've seen my post regarding Sernando (ft. Clones), then you'll know that I mentioned this guy plus several others. Even MrBossFTW had its own separate post here on this blog so I figured why not talk about this guy because he's still ongoing producing some of the worst content out there. Well, for today's post we are going to be talking about NoughtPointFourLIVE; a YouTuber who makes GTA 5 content like the rest of them, but misleads his audience with false information regarding the game.

NoughtPointFourLIVE (also known as Fredrick Alexander "Freddy" Pye) started his account on August 19, 2011. He did have his first video up, but it was either taken down by him or privated. Even though this is not the first video, it's him doing a tutorial of the Modern Warfare 3 Secret Achievement. Videos on his channel weren't frequent back then in 2011 and most of them were vlog type videos like this one as an example. Then on September 26, 2013, the first GTA 5 video was released on his channel which was all about an easter egg of a sea skeleton. This was essentially the start of his career because the game came out that same month and same year. Many of his later videos were mostly heist, secret locations and easter eggs. One of his most popular and yet most viewed video on his channel is titled "GTA 5 - The Biggest Tsunami EVER" which was posted on November 9, 2017 and sits at over 14M views.

The Fall:

Clickbait Titles & Thumbnails + Ad Revenue:

Content Between 2013-2015.

Content Between 2016-2017.

Before Fredrick's demise in the content he produces, many of Fredrick's early videos which date back between 2013 and 2015 were basic content like the easter eggs and heists that we've seen before and would have the titles in the thumbnails. The first time he ever used an arrow in one of his videos was from a video titled 'GTA 5 Map Expansion Update.' At the start of 2017 is when his content became extremely terrible, resorting to the same yellow arrows that appeared in the thumbnails as well as stretching the video over 10 minutes and putting a shitton of ads for the revenue. This persisted from early 2017 and well into 2019 and when the adpocalypse came, it should've fucked him over. Because on how bad his content is, YouTuber's like BillsYT and SWEGTA made videos talking about the issues with Fredrick and as to why he would do this. There's also claims of him doing fake giveaways, but I don't have the evidence to back these claims up.

While I guess his editing has gotten slightly better over the years, he's still continuously playing GTA 5 because that's his forte and still producing shit content. Not only that, but he also doesn't give a damn about the video length anymore because now it's between 15-20 minute in almost every new video. Based on this article, he would steal content from others to claim it as his own With GTA 6 coming out very soon, I guarantee that he's going to milk the living shit out of it too. Anyways, not much seems to be going on with him as he's irrelevant now. A petition was created roughly 5 years ago but doesn't have as much supporters and there has been a discussion on the GTA forum post with mixed responses. So in other words, he's pretty much done and rarely anyone ever talks about him anymore. Also the fact that people fall for this crap is crazy.

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