Thursday, December 29, 2022

WYS: Worst YouTuber's of 2022 (Including Websites and Events)

Banner created by me.

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
These aren't in any particular order. Also, all of the sources won't be here as it will take too long. Please check out the posts for the full sources.

Hello everyone, I hope you had a good Christmas/Holiday break, and we are back again with another post but this one is going to be a little different. As 2022 is coming to a close in the next couple of days I thought I would change it up and count down some of the worst YouTuber's that I talked about in 2022 along with some websites and events. Even though this website was created back in July of 2022, there's still enough posts to justify making a list on. Way back in August, I couldn't get into this account but since then (October 3 to be exact), I got back into this account and started making posts again. Hopefully You'll stick around for this upcoming year of 2023. With that being said, let's begin.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Ohmwrecker: Many Mistakes Leads to Hate [Christmas Special]

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Sorry if this one might be coming out a bit late than usual.

Merry Christmas Everyone. I'm back once again to bring you another post and this is quite frankly one of the worst YouTuber's of all time. I rarely talk about anything related to The Vanoss Crew since it's a whole series in it of itself. It's the primary reason why it's all starting to crumble. Anyways today we are going to be talking about Ohmwrecker; an American YouTuber that was well known in The Vanoss Crew and playing a lot of games but in the recent years have been circling himself around the drama, going so far as to how many people will hate him all at once. Trust me when I say it's pretty much a terrible image into how so much of a fuckup leads people to not watch you anymore.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Antoons: The Insulting Tracer and a Complete Scumbag

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This post will receive more updates and more information.

Another day another art related channel and quite frankly the worst one that I've ever seen. I've talked about several different artists in the art/animation community with many of them controversial including LupisVulpes, GameToons (no controversies other than 2020 content), Arin Hanson, AmorAltra, Charem the Shadox and GaroShadowscale (with an update). Check those posts out if you're interested. Today we are talking about a guy that deserves to be shit on and that is Antoons; a YouTuber who is known in the art/animation community and was involved in creating some of the worst controversial/political comics of all time as well as being a tracer and a predator.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Valkyrae: One Mistake Leads to a Scam

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Don't trust YouTuber based products. They don't work.

It doesn't come to a surprise that when a YouTuber releases a product, it will eventually come down to a crumble because no one in the right mind is supporting it or just simply given out bad reviews. There were quite a number of YouTuber's that would do such a thing but then used falsified evidence to back their bullshit claims. Even worse is when they try to reach out to the most popular YouTuber's for them to defend the situation and for this, we have Valkyrae; a YouTuber who streams on YouTube (obviously) and plays a lot of games and does vlog type videos but ended up into the drama loop by selling a skin care product that doesn't work. Goes to show she didn't do her research.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

5-Minute Crafts: Nonstop Content Farming

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Ah yes, the nonstop content farmers. You got to hate them most of the time especially with the way they produce content. It's exactly what happened with a commentary channel I talked about a few weeks back titled Pointless: The Age of Garbage Commentary. Check out that post if you're interested but anyways today, we are going to talk about a garbage channel just like the rest and that is 5-Minute Crafts; a so-called arts & crafts channel that does what you would expect it to be however promotes dangerous life-threatening acts. Even worse when they switched the content around to pump out more videos within a single day, going for the quantity over quality.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Huge Disaster of TanaCon

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I originally made this post awhile back close to the end of October, but it was scrapped due to it being poorly written. So, this is essentially round two and were trying once again. Sorry if this post took a few days. For today's post we are talking about TanaCon, a convention that was so bad that it was on the brink of collapse. It was a big failure because people had to wait in line in the excessive heat thus being sweaty and dehydrated and also pays tribute to AceFest (though TanaCon took place in 2018 while AceFest took place in 2022) with its similarities for the most part. However, its more similar to that of FyreFest only for disaster waiting to happen. So, to give you a brief rundown.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Mini Ladd: The Worst YouTube Predator [UPDATE: December 21, 2022]

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This post was created way back in August of 2022 on the other account.

Predators are everywhere on social media, YouTube and various other platforms. It's extremely difficult to report these types of people since they're never removed from said medias or even reported to the police. They always have an excuse and a defense mechanism to avoid the police at all costs to repeat it all over again. It's exactly what happened with ToonKriticY2K but were not talking about him today. For today's post we have Mini Ladd, a well-liked YouTuber back in the day suddenly took a huge turn for the worst as of the year 2020. We all know about this guy and his actions, but it pays tribute to another YouTuber that I talked about named Cryatoic along with Charem the Shadox, Entity Mays and Khord Kitty.

Beluga: The Annoying Unfunny YouTuber

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Most YouTuber's can be funny while others can't. It's probably because of the style of content and also the target audience. I've seen people defend YouTuber's who think their funny, but they aren't. I've said this before in some other post I did but most of the good YouTuber's are buried by the terrible ones and for this I give you Beluga, a guy who got popular by posting Discord related videos, thinks he's funny when he's not and post mostly the same thing over and over and over again and nothing else. It also gets to the point of being completely stale after a while. Please keep in mind that this guy is still currently active on the main channel rather than the other.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Quick Update: The Other Account [UPDATE: December 10, 2022]

Hello everyone. This is just a quick update on the situations that was happening to the other account that I had. For those that need context, click here for more information.

To give you a quick rundown, I created another account way back in August of 2022 and created a Site using Google Sites for the time being as well as being under the same name 'Worst YouTuber Segment.' The reason why I couldn't get back into this account was because I forgot about the recovery email, and it was my fault. Once I got back, the other account ended up being disabled by Google. So, with that being in mind, I've got some good news and maybe a little bit of bad news.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Brooke Houts: The Girl That Killed Her Career

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People who have done the most disgusting acts on YouTube or any social media are considered to be the worst people on the planet. Not to mention that the people who abuse their pets and animals shouldn't own any and need to be served in jail/put to death. That is exactly what this girl did who immediately ruined her reputation. For today's post we have Brooke Houts; a girl who use to do vlog videos and in some cases vlog videos with her boyfriend Teale but got involved into some of the worst drama we've seen in years leading up to the disappearance and leaving the channel. She is also known for fueling the haters saying that the haters love them which is bullshit.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Saucy and Honey: The YouTube Criminals

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There has been such the terrible age of prank videos and for that it completely shows. Back when YouTube was just a thing for people to upload content, there were the channels that would do prank videos and for most people would consider this the golden age of content. However, I digress because there comes a time where "a simple prank" could lead them into getting a lot of trouble. Many of the channels that do the grossest, yet disgusting things always get away with it, but not for this couple as we are talking about Saucy and Honey; a YouTube couple that used to do prank videos a while back but leading up to the drama is what ended them up in jail for trespassing.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Generation Hope: New Age of Clone Content

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Sorry if the English in this post is bad.

We live in the day in age of content that is literally the bottom of the barrel. Even going so far as to hire actors who probably don't get paid all that much just to make you look like the biggest douchebag in society. With all the hype of actors will come with big consequences and that is the main problem with Dhar Mann (the guy who does reenactments of real-life cringeworthy stuff) and all of the clone channels. Well for today's post we have Generation Hope; a Dhar Mann type clone channel that makes skits to make a quick buck to try and teach morals, but also got involved into some hefty drama. When I say drama, I mean it several different layers of it one at a time.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Small Update on The GaroShadowscale Drama

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Well, it's that time once again to talk about a much smaller update on the GaroShadowscale drama since it's been a while. For those that don't know, I talked about GaroShadowscale in another post back on July 24, 2022, titled "GaroShadowscale: The Entitled Money Hogging Parasite" (right around the time when this blog took off), and I brought him up multiple times in different furry related posts because well, he is a terrible furry. If you haven't seen that post yet, I would recommend checking it out first before reading through this one to get the memo. This is a small update on what has been going on with GaroShadowscale in the last 5 months.