Thursday, February 2, 2023

ArtieRaccoonYT: The Pathetic Furry Troll

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

What a way to start February. We haven't talked about any furry related YouTuber's in a while so here we are today. I've talked about furries in the past like LupisVulpes, GaroShadowscale (with Update), Khord Kitty, Free Fur All (with Update), Charem the Shadox and Rocky Rakoon. Even doing comparisons in subscribers (for some of the channels), this person is considered to be the lowest out of the ones that I discussed and with that it shows. Even worse when one person goes out of their way to basically harass and stalk individuals and for this, we have ArtieRaccoonYT; a furry related YouTuber who's known in the Minecraft/Roblox Community but was caught in the line with a pathetic attitude.

ArtieRaccoonYT (formerly known as Artie Knight YT and Rocky) started his account on November 8, 2016, and uploaded his first video the next day titled "Roblox: Natural Disaster Survival Part 1" which was essentially just a gamemode for Roblox. The content for his channel is pretty out of the ordinary. Most of the time he'll upload multiple videos related to GoAnimate and several other videos related to Plotagon (which is roughly the GoAnimate equivilant). Artie also liked logos, the windows operating system and the EAS and that was his content he would make. Artie also has roughly 8k subs and is a member of the furry community. One of the most popular yet most viewed video on his channel is the Spongebob intro (the GoAnimate version) which has over 1M views.

Why He's Bad:

Harassing & Stalking / Racist & Insulting:

This is not the first time I ever talked about some obscure YouTube channel and won't ever be the last. The reason why I put him on the list is because Artie is known to have a history of stalking and harassing others whether it would be on media platforms like Amino Apps, YouTube, Discord and a few others. A Twitter user by the name of @RainbowDoggiUni posted a thread of tweets including some screenshots about Artie's behavior. In one of the tweets, they linked 5 different YouTube videos; three are still up (shown above) and the other two have been privated or removed (however one can still be viewed here in the archive).

One thing to note about this guy is that he's known for being a despicable bigot and a literal nazi and basically spreading his viewpoints. Where not going that route but as shown in the screenshot above is the primary example of his behavior. Artie is also known to create multiple alt accounts as well as insult people from other countries and members of the LGBTQ community. What's worse is when he has the pride flag on his alt account with the text 'All Lives Matter' but go a full 180 saying something bad about the community. Oh, the complete irony. One other thing I forgot to mention is that his alt twitter account has been suspended for the terrible behavior. It's no surprise that not a lot of people had talked about him, but this needed to be out there because Artie is the bad guy.

Images & Sources:

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