Saturday, February 4, 2023

Shinigami Arts: Stealing Doesn't Make You a Better Person

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person. For this post I really mean it.

Stealing is pretty much the common word nowadays in terms of art, music, videos, sounds, you name it. It's so prevalent today that in most cases, they're pretty easy to track down stolen work from someone else and here we are talking about another YouTuber in the Art Community. I've talked about several yet terrible art-based YouTuber's like Squizzy, AmorAltra and Arin Hanson. For today's post we have Shinigami Arts; a 'Artist' on YouTube that draws anything related to Anime (in other terms he's a weeaboo) however most of the drawings he's doing are basically stolen and the way he handles criticism is extremely poor. Yeah, that will get you bonus points for sure.

Do I really even need to talk about a short history on this guy? I might as well to try and get things done. Shinigami Arts (formerly known as MD Abdul Kaium) started his account on April 9, 2013, however the channel remained inactive for roughly 3 years until November 19, 2016, with the first video titled "optimus prime art." Video uploads on his channel have been scarce with the next video released on March 30, 2017. After a few videos on his channel have been far in between, he started to just move on to regular uploads where he shows his 'creativity.' His favorite subject is Manga and Anime so he'll draw things from the series Boku no Hero Academia, the Dragon Ball franchise, Chainsaw Man and a few others. Most of the time he'll do speed drawings which are basically drawing but sped up. One of his most popular and most viewed video on his channel is titled "How to draw Anime (Drawing for beginners)."

The Fall:

Stealing Artwork from Others / "Best Artist" Bribing:

For most people, it's fine to look at art as a reference to kind of get the general idea on what you want to draw but don't be a tracer, otherwise people will call you out. Apparently, Shinigami doesn't understand the concept of why tracing is bad and that he's a complete douchebag. Between the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, drama circulated to Shinigami for copying and stealing people's artwork. A primary example of this is when a twitter user by the name of @sasuchi95 posted a line of tweets including a few screenshots (shown above) of her drawing compared to Shinigami's drawing. With the naked eye, it's very similar yet very obvious that he's tracing and stealing. During the drama, sasuchi95 wrote a string of tweets which reads: There will be some correction.

"Guys I'm about to really explode right now I can't handle that fucking guy anymore... do u remember that guy who copied my drawing of Sakura?? Hes at it again Im 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

This fucking guy istg I want to murder him I can't handle him doing this to me like srsly. He commented on my video like "cute drawing" and I'm like.. it's rare that he even comments here and when I checked his channel, I found out what I didn't want to see 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Like.. are u trying to test my patience or what exactly? 😐💢 or u just wanted to do whatever u want without even respecting my wishes. Changing small things won't make it yours and I still told u not to use it like n e v e r e v e r."

Now even though I don't have the evidence to back these different claims up, I'm convinced that he's taking other people's drawings and revamping them as his own. Literally it's just flat out wrong.

Right off the bat, I did find MD Abdul Kaium's Facebook page of the supposed drawings he's done. Of course, tracing doesn't make you a better artist or even a better person. Now we get to the bottom of the barrel with this one. After when sasuchi95 called him out on his bullshit, Kaium takes to Facebook saying that Sasu's reporting got him more popularity. The post didn't last long as many people caught on it and the post was deleted. From what I heard; several people made videos on this guy but currently I can't find them. Needless to say, don't trust a tracer.

Images & Sources:

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