Saturday, February 11, 2023

My Story Animated: Lie After Lie [Early Valentines Day Special #2]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

Happy Early Valentines Day once again and were back with something that deserves to be put on the list. It sucks that in this day in age, were met with some of the worst fabricated stories on the faces of the planet. Of course, we don't know where channels like this one get their stories and that is what we're talking about today and that is MSA (previously My Story Animated); a channel ran by a few individuals that tell stories, which is pretty self-explanatory, but the problem lies with the stories they tell which in many cases are straight up lies and fabrication. The channel also abuses the YouTube's copyright system, striking down one channel in particular.

The Big Fall:

Fabricated Stories / The Kubz Scouts Channel Strike:

I'm not going over the history on this channel as it's one note and nothing special. I will say that MSA also owns another channel called ZVOID STUDIOS which in this case copies the Dhar Mann style of videos.

Like I said before, MSA straight up lies in pretty much every video. Many of the stories seem like they're grasping for any views they can get. The first thing that I notice with the channel is that the way they animate. Obviously, the lip sync is incorrect with what they're saying as well as the ridiculous titles and thumbnails. One video in particular that I found (which came out a year ago) involved a person gaining 20 million followers on TikTok and the parents abandoning them. Idk it's something stupid like that. Anyways it got the attention of Jarvis Johnson (the guy I mentioned in the 5-Minute Crafts post) to make a series of videos on this channel as well as the alternative channel ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

Their short brief statement.
The long deleted written statement.

Around the summer of 2020 when the pandemic was still going on, My Story Animated decided to copyright strike a YouTuber by the name of Kubz Scouts (formerly known as Robert Jay Perez). MSA claimed that Jay didn't give them proper credit when he was doing the reaction videos. Jay apologized about the situation (in a video shown above) but the drama itself wasn't finished. MSA made a post in their community tab (shown above) explaining the situation but the actual explanation was deleted and made shorter. A user by the name of Sleeby copied the actual statement written by them against Jay. This pressured Jay into making another video reacting to the statement. MSA received backlash from Jay's audience even though he told them not to attack them. MSA is at fault because they could've handled the situation differently if they reached out to Jay but instead they took the cowardly way by striking him down. How undeniably pathetic.

Images & Sources:

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