Tuesday, February 7, 2023

SuperBAM Inc: The Alternate CollabDRM Clone

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or any of these people.

Another day and yet another clone of the copyright abusers. This one kind of takes the step of CollabDRM but becoming more and more stupider not just for content but also for music as well. I've talked about companies like them such as CollabDRM and ViralHog. Both of those companies are also pathetic in terms of copyrighted content and this one is no different as today's post we are talking about SuperBAM Inc; a company/website like CollabDRM that specializes in video distribution to earn you money like the rest of them but takes it one step too far to abuse the YouTube copyright system and claiming people's videos they don't own. Almost just about as worse as the other ones.

Why Their Bad:

Copyright Abuse / The Trisha Paytas & Ace Family Involvement?:

I'm not going to go over this companies' history, but I will say that the company started by this guy named Rian R. Bosak, a guy who doesn't understand the concept of the copyright infringement as well as the abuse his company has been doing on YouTube since 2017.

So where do we begin with this one? Well, it's simple, SuperBAM Inc literally follow the same footsteps as CollabDRM with a different twist. As shown in the screenshot above was from a joke account called @SuperBAMScam to basically bring light to the surface on what this company really is. What's different from CollabDRM to SuperBAM is that SuperBAM strikes down videos related to music, essentially from Universal Music Publishing Group WHICH THEY DON'T OWN! The company also strikes down smaller channels that do reaction videos and compilations. Several creators such as The Dan Reactor and DonnyvanGoBlueReacts made videos on the company's copyright abuse. Not a lot of people talked about this company.

But wait there's more to the drama. An article posted by centennialbeauty.com on January 17, 2022, talks about Both YouTuber's Trisha Paytas and The Ace Family working with SuperBAM (highlighted the key details) to unleash the power of the copyright abuse (mostly on Trisha's part). One YouTuber by the name of MadCatster explained the situation further (video shown above) as well as one other YouTuber talking about the drama also Spill Sesh. A YouTuber and twitter user by the name of @TeaSpillYT posted an image tweet of the supposed claim made by Trisha and SuperBAM. Trisha then responded to the tweet saying that 'I don't strike shit' and none of my music is copyrighted'. Needless to day, don't trust companies and don't trust pathetic YouTuber's.

Images & Sources:

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