Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Seth Meiring: From Terrible Prankster to Termination

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

We live in a world where at least one person resorts to doing pranks. Not the harmless ones but the ones that actually do more harm than anything. It's the primary reason why modern-day prank videos are worse than the ones from back when YouTube first began. Nowadays you may be asking what's the point in pranks if you're going to get caught? Beats me I don't really know at this point. When pranks videos go too far, then that creator gets backfired and for this we have Seth Meiring; a YouTuber who risks his career making prank videos but the sole purpose is to piss off and annoy people. This also led to a Termination of his channel but was reinstated later on.

Monday, August 28, 2023

The Pink Sauce Lady is Broke: Begging for Money on GoFundMe

The Pink Sauce story is a story that people will never forget about, primarily due to the sketchy business tactics and poor advertising. For those that don't know, I talked about Chef Pii back in August of last year in a post titled 'The Pink Sauce Drama.' This was followed up with an Update in October followed by Another Update in June of this year. Veronica Shaw (going by her real name) has been in complete damage control since the start of Pink Sauce. It's no wonder why the vast majority of people were skeptical about the whole thing. Unfortunately you have most people who worship her and are completely braindead as to what is going on. Now we have another update on her and it's fucking wild.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Behind The Meme: From Repetitive to Downfall

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I never would've expected this channel to come up but here we are. Yes, as the title would insist, today we are going to be talking about Behind The Meme which is a channel that does analysis of the most popular memes. I've made attempts to create a post on this channel in the past, but it never got anywhere as I was focused on other posts. This guy apparently made a comeback this year to try and better himself as a human being and produce content again (which will talk about in a minute). I've discussed about YouTuber's that were similar to Behind The Meme and his decline but none of it was as serious as this guy as the internet hated him and thus disappearing for 5 years.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Whatever Happened to Chrisandthemike

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
Sorry if this is coming out a little later than usual.

It's near the ending of August but welcome back to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. Roughly 10 to 11 days ago, I discussed the popular Minecraft YouTuber AdamZoneTopMarks and how his content went from doing mod reviews and playing games for fun all the way down to clickbait titles and thumbnails that were sexist against women. Now we are talking about another Minecraft YouTuber who had moved his content to being a Roblox YouTuber and for this we have Chrisandthemike. This is also a guy that was very promising at the beginning but soon to decline in viewership.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Quick Post: Twitter is Dead

This post will be an experimental post as I've never done quick posts before. If you want to see more of this, let me know and I'll do more. Anyways, so as you can tell from the title of this post, Twitter is pretty much dead at this point. With Elon Musk buying and taking over Twitter, it has gotten worse and worse from the time he bought it to the new implementations like paying for the blue check mark or just straight up block. Keep in mind that just like the rest of them, Twitter is just plain terrible in particular because it's considered to be used for sources. It's exactly how I made this blog come to life. Anyways we are talking about Twitter and how it's down in complete shambles.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Hypnotist Sappho: A Disgusting Human Being 2 Years Later

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Furry drama is an interesting topic to discuss because on how bizarre it actually gets. I've discussed quite a few of them ranging from LupisVulpes (with Update), Charem the Shadox (with Update) to the abysmal Convention known as Free Fur All (Update 2 3 and 4). Well were talking about another Furry YouTuber today and yes, it has been roughly 2 years since the drama with this individual took off. I'm sure that for anyone who's been watching the drama with her know the full story. For this post we have Hypnotist Sappho; a furry who would hypnotize people in VRChat but had sparked outrage after she made a video about her being a zoophile. Unfortunately, YouTube doesn't terminate these predators.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Short Update Regarding Nitter Instances [UPDATE: August 15, 2023]

Hello everyone. It really doesn't come to a surprise that this is another status update. This is not anything severe or anything that has to do with this blog, instead it's about the instances that I used. I'm talking about the Nitter Instances.

Nitter is an alternative to Twitter and it has been a go-to source for finding tweets because Twitter itself is just a corporate shithole. Nitter is another source to view the tweets rather than creating an account and having an access tweet limit per day.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Whatever Happened to AdamZoneTopMarks

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
Just so you know, they're still making content but haven't been getting the views.

Welcome back to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. I talked about a few of them like TwoAwesomeGamers, ExpertVillage and LupisVulpes (though LupisVulpes wasn't promising). For anyone who's reading this post, I'm sure you've probably heard of these people from back in the day. In fact, they were considered to be the most popular YouTuber's around the golden age of YouTube (2011 to be exact). Well, were talking about them and for this we have AdamZoneTopMarks; a British YouTuber who make videos playing games but had fell apart for being sexist and angry against their fans.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Kai Cenat: When Bad Things Lead to Arrest

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

What happens when you make an announcement saying that you're giving away gaming related stuff? You bring a big crowed but all in the wrong ways. I mean we've definitely seen it in the past like TanaCon as an example from the YouTuber Tana Mongeau. How about the abysmal furry convention known as Free Fur All (Update: 2, 3 and 4)? Whatever people make out of it, it's always bound to be entirely stupid and absurd but would also cause complete chaos and damage control. That is what this streamer did and for this we have Kai Cenat; a YouTuber/Twitch Streamer who streams a lot (no shit) but did a big mistake and caused a full-blown riot to spark outrage.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

More Information About AceFest

Well now, this is a rare occasion. I'm doing this post again for the third time because the other ones weren't that well written. So, with that being said (on the subject of conventions and events), AceFest was a topic that I covered well over a year ago and it was considered to be the third full post since this blog started. Now it has been a year later, and it fell into obscurity, not even having a secondary chance. Why? Because YouTuber based events suck entirely and are not worth your time. However, there was some things that I totally left out since the previous post. I've also discussed The ACE Family in a separate update post but never talked about them because it would take a while.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

FreeFurAll 2023: A Disaster Like Last Year [UPDATE #3: September 10, 2023]

This Convention needs to die yet they're not admitting defeat.

Well it's the start of August. Free Fur All 2023 just happened pretty recently and as expected, it was roughly the same (but slightly different) as last year's however this one is far worse which will talk about a little later. Needless to say, it's still terrible. If you been following the story here on this blog, I've talked about them in three separate posts; The first two involved Free Fur All 2022 and with scamming people out of money, tied with the alt-right as well as supporting an abusive charity and the third post involved with things leading up to this year's Free Fur All including leaks, mismanagement, a hacked website, Jason taking over the AWOO Association, firing a good chunk of the staff (many of them quiet-quit) and hiring the Furry Raiders as backup staff. I wanted to wait a few days until the dust had settled and boy were in for a tragic one.