Saturday, August 5, 2023

More Information About AceFest

Well now, this is a rare occasion. I'm doing this post again for the third time because the other ones weren't that well written. So, with that being said (on the subject of conventions and events), AceFest was a topic that I covered well over a year ago and it was considered to be the third full post since this blog started. Now it has been a year later, and it fell into obscurity, not even having a secondary chance. Why? Because YouTuber based events suck entirely and are not worth your time. However, there was some things that I totally left out since the previous post. I've also discussed The ACE Family in a separate update post but never talked about them because it would take a while.

The Damning Info:

Calling Out Haters / Misleading Claims / Ridiculous Prices:

If you've seen the previous post about AceFest, you'll know that they were charging overpriced tickets for you to get into the festival. As a result, the only reason people were there for was because of the Meet n Greet. They didn't care about anything else like the rides as an example and also the fact that it was done on a hot summer in Texas. Well on the same day as the event, Austin McBroom comes out addressing the claims about the event being a scam. What it all came down to was him describing the things he had including vendors and a food truck. Not something that you would want to describe to your audience.

Then you have the horrendous and yet misleading claims out of an event. On their website under the Ace Fest Admission before the change, you had access to free rides, free games, free prizes, a free wildlife park and free live performances. After the callout of them successfully scamming people (leading up to the event), they had updated their website and removed the live performances and wildlife park. Partly because they either didn't have the money or they just didn't have the balls to rent the two.

Then you have both the McBroom's refusing entry to specific YouTubers. Two of them are Rich Lux and MadCatster which they talk about drama and controversies regarding YouTube channels. When both Rich and Mad were at AceFest, they were refused entry despite paying for the expensive tickets. They both made videos talking about the situation. My guess is that they kick out specific YouTuber's the McBroom's don't like? I'm not entirely sure but there you have it.

Images & Sources:

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