Saturday, April 1, 2023

Annand Virk: From Cheating to Downfall

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

April Fools. I typically wasn't going to do a post on this guy since there's not much information about him, however he was involved in some drama that led to his decline. I mean, there are several different channels that I talked about like Brooke Houts, Sienna Mae Gomez and Art Van Grow. Some of them that I mentioned have tremendous downfalls and this guy is considered to be one of them also. It sucks that there's human scum in the world while YouTube does virtually nothing. Anyways, for today's post we are going to be talking about Annand Virk; a Canadian YouTuber that makes random videos and sometimes games but made a video of him being a cuck during a cheating scandal.

Annand Virk (also known as Bunty King) started his account on February 10, 2015, and uploaded his first video on the same day titled "My Very First Video." Videos on his channel were far from few and because he would rarely upload anything. A primary example of this is this video where he shows his streaming setup, but that was posted on January 15, 2016. Videos that were coming out from his channel were pc builds & specs, vlog type videos and so on. One of his most popular yet most viewed video on his channel is titled "The Lesbians of Us ft. Chris Ray Gun - Internet Numbnuts" sitting at 128k views and when comparing to the 54.3k subs he's got, it's almost correct. One thing I forgot to mention is that he's a fan of the GTA franchise.

The Downfall:

The 'I'm a Cuck' Video / The Aftermath:

The reason why he has that many subscribers is pretty much the obvious. Way back on February 16, 2017 (just two years of being on YouTube), Bunty makes a video title "I'm a Cuck: Lets Talk" (shown above) in which he either admits to being a cuck or the fact that his previous girlfriend cheated on him. The video was originally posted in 2017 but was deleted after it was resurfaced in 2019. The drama itself is so confusing but the way Bunty portrayed it is such a fucking embarassment. This led to the decline of his subscribers when it was brought up back in 2019. As a result, from 2020 to today, he went from having 64k subs down to 54k subs within 3 years.

Now in terms of the aftermath of his decline, he's been acting like such a pussy and responding to people who shit talk about him. In one instance, he made a video back in October of 2020 which basicall is asking himself where he's been? Scrolling down in the comments, you'll see that any negative comment towards him, he'll make some of the most pathetic responses of all time to the point where it's laughable. Anyways, several YouTuber's like Nicholas DeOrio, Bowblax and TomDark made videos on this guy. It turns out that Bunty is a lolcow and he's well known for being a lolcow.

Images & Sources:

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