Saturday, April 22, 2023

Quick Update on Coolcatfunhouse

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Oh I'm gonna cringe out of my skin. Here we are once again with the first ever update on Coolcatfunhouse (a.k.a. Derek Savage). Honest to god, I don't understand why people like him exist in the first place. For those that need context, I originally did a piece on Derek Savage called "Coolcatfunhouse: Down the Abyss We Go" and how Derek ended up being a notorious piece of shit. I would highly recommend checking that post out before reading through this one to get the general idea on what he's like. This will be the first separate update on Derek because things have change since then and mostly gearing toward in the worst way possible.

Quick Recap:

Coolcatfunhouse (a.k.a. Derek Savage) I guess used to partake in some filming classes and began his career in 2012. The Cool Cat character was born around this same timeframe and Derek started to produce films with the first one being Cool Cat Stops Bullying. Turns out that the films he produced are over the top garbage as well as being put into memes and YouTube Poops. 3 years later in November of 2015, a YouTuber by the name of I Hate Everything got a false copyright strike from Derek when IHE reacted to one of his movies. Thankfully he got his video back. During the same week (in the same month in the same year), Derek had released a YouTube video explaining fair use and copyright infringement. To simply put it, it failed to prove a point as well as Derek not understanding fair use and copyright. Over the next few years, he continued to produce more movies.

What's New:

Repeated Crowdfunding / Manipulation:

So, what has been going on since I talked about Cool Cat in October (in the last 6 months)? Well, nothing has changed as much (more of a continuation from the previous post) but I will say the big issue with Derek is the repeated attempts to make Kickstarter projects. Recently, he did a project titled Cool Cat vs Dirty Dog Unleashed (on Twitter, he changed the name to Cool Cat vs Dirty Dog 'The Virus Wars') which did meet the deadline of $1,520. For those that don't know, Derek would make Kickstarter projects for his films and when the money doesn't meet the deadline, he would make the promise that the money would go to another project. It never happens. Instead, he just keeps the money and continues to make Kickstarter projects, and no one sees the real issue here.

Then there's the repeated attempts at manipulating his audience. Previously I talked about how he threw a bitchfit at YMS, however a year before that (in 2019) he wanted to request PewDiePie (Felix) to be in one of his film. Thankfully Felix probably missed it or declined the offer. Honestly, I can't blame him because Derek isn't even that popular enough that it would make Felix justifiable to star in one of his films. I mean you can't be actually serious. With the low subscriber count and the extremely dated budget, it's no wonder why nobody wants to star in Derek's films. The worst part is that Derek is so fucking creepy that he always wants to be around the children making him a fucked-up individual.

Speaking of the extremely dated part, his website is pretty much just that. You can definitely tell that his website was made using an older version of Adobe Dreamweaver. I know this because I've used that specific version that give it an old feel. Anyways, the website lets you see things related to his projects ranging from clothes, posters, films and even the infamous NFTs. What's strange is that some of his movies are on here however he put the Cool Cat Fights Coronavirus movie on here for people to buy when someone put the entire movie on YouTube. I don't know and to be perfectly honest, I don't care at this point. There's not much that I can explain other than the fact that everything that Derek does is fucking terrible.

Images & Sources:

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