Friday, April 7, 2023

Young Defiant: When Lies Lead to Hate

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Happy Early Easter Everyone. It's that time once again to talk about another pathetic YouTuber who makes the absolute worst content out there for the sole purpose of being a troll. The only other time I talked about a content creator similar to this is when I did the Annand Virk post. However, that guy openly admitted to cheating as well as being a cuck while this guy has personal issues with himself. Well today we are talking about Young Defiant; a YouTuber who used to play games as well as do reviews and tutorials, but over the years he's become the tarantula pit for these rants on video games that people enjoy. Most notably for having anger problems for each of his videos.

I'm not going to go through too much of his history because it's far few and far between. So, Young Defiant (that's how his username goes as well as his channel name) started his account on July 16, 2009, when YouTube was still in the golden age. Roughly a year later (on November 28, 2010) he would upload his first video (not really the first video, however there was one that was privatized) which was gameplay of Assassins Creed Brotherhood of the Memories in the game. After his second video on November 7, 2012, he disappeared for 2 entire years before returning to YouTube on May 27, 2014, with the first rant video for the game Watch Dogs. This would be his first video based on his rants and would continue to do this today. One of his most popular and yet most viewed video on his channel is titled "Uncharted 4 Funny Deaths 10 Ways To Die" which sits at over 465k views with a little over 34.8k subscribers which is low.

Why He's Bad:

Pathetic Rants & Opinions:

This is the first part I want to point out and that is his content. Now I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions whether it would be movies, video games, music, books and hobbies. With Young Defiant, it's pretty much everything wrong about reviews or the rants he does. Everyone had caught onto the fact that Young Defiant is definitely a troll which leads to all of his videos gaining a massive amount of negative attention. Even worse is when he has the most shit takes on these medias thinking that everything is garbage.

Despite the fact that he calls himself a 'god or 'king', it's far from that and it's complete and total bullshit. Now Total Defiant did end up in various different medias like Reddit and Twitter, but also YouTube and how he's just a brainwashed piece of shit. People claim that he's a good YouTuber when I put him down for being the worst. Obviously, don't believe in the lies that are thrown at you even if he claims that it's a joke. Anyways, several YouTuber's like ZeroNeedsCoffee, KingCorgiGaming, Little Queso and ThunderBuddy29 made videos on this guy 

Images & Sources:

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