Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Downfall of Dhar Mann

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Ah yes, who couldn't forget about the infamous man who change the YouTube content forever. Well, I'm exaggerating on that part, but you get the idea. Seriously, every single time I go onto YouTube, he's everywhere. Not only that, but this guy is also the reason it sparked a bunch of rip-off channels to appear on YouTube. Hell, I even talked about one back in December titled 'Generation Hope: New Age of Clone Content.' In that post I did a comparison to this guy and Generation Hope's content. Well, this is what we are talking about today and for this we have Dhar Mann; a 'Motivational' YouTuber who makes videos related to social lessons and experiments but was sucked into drama for the workplace abuse.

The Downfall:

Clickbait Cringe Videos / Workplace Abuse:

I'm not going to talk about his history because it's completely boring and doesn't really serve a purpose. So, I'm going to just talk about his downfalls here.

Onto his content. I know that there's so many posts here on this blog that I talk about shitty clickbaity content, but for Dhar Mann's videos he just takes the cake for being the worst. A lot of his video titles end with 'Instantly regrets it' or 'What Happens next is shocking' and it's like that over and over and over again. This translates to unoriginal content making his videos twice as shit much like the other rip-off channels. It also translates to being a waste of space here on YouTube. Even some of the titles are just flatout racist and insulting to the viewers.

Now let's talk about the most important topic of all, the Workplace Abuse. So Dhar Mann has a company called 'Dhar Mann Studios' and it's where people can sign up to be the actresses portrayed in the videos. Well this didn't go well as on February 7, 2023, four actors name Colin A Borden, Riki Yvette Westmoreland, Mair MulroneyChas Laughlin and several others held a protest in front of the Dhar Mann Studio. The reason for this is because of Dhar Mann underpaying the actors, firing them without any reason (otherwise known as silent firing), breaking several laws and so on. A primary example of this is when the actors asked Dhar Mann for a meeting but would instead send a representative in his place. Each actor had their own story to tell and shortly after, the #protestdharmann started to trend and many users on twitter poke fun at Dhar Mann for being a piece of shit. There was also several different reviews from several different sites, but most of the 5 star reviews were fake. Several YouTuber's like AugustTheDuck, Penguinz0 and Jarvis Johnson made videos talking about the situation.

After the release of this video (on the same day as the protest and also met with 76k likes to 138.4k dislikes), Dhar Mann received a lot of backlash from the community, however it didn't have any effect on his subscribers or his viewcount. One day in the month of February, Dhar Mann released a community post talking about the situation but doubling down as to why the actors were fired in the first place. Needless to say, it was a terrible apology. Apart from the controversy, you have douchebags that defend him like SSSniperWolf of all people in support of him. It's honestly pathetic. 

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