Sunday, October 30, 2022

Noob Robot: The Bezba Clone [Halloween Special #2]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Looks like I found another one of those channels that does Minecraft content but still at an all new low once again. Back in August, I talked about a YouTuber that does similar content to this channel called Bezba. Although Bezba produces more terrible content than this channel but it's not saying much. Anyways for another Halloween Special (the second one), today we have Noob Robot; a Minecraft "Content Creator" that makes Minecraft videos among other things but has been making some of the worst content known to man. Plus, this channel has been around a lot longer than Bezba has so it's nothing special. Hopefully I can finish this by the end of October in time.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Entity Mays: The Disgusting Predator [Halloween Special]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I figured I should start off by saying Happy Halloween Everyone and today we are going to be talking about another YouTube predator. I've talked about several predators here on this blog including Cryaotic and Khord Kitty. If you haven't seen those posts yet, I would recommend checking them out. But anyways today we are talking about Entity Mays; a Pokemon YouTuber that does Pokemon related content including some reactions to the episodes but has also been caught in line into being a predator to minors as well as harassing them. This is also a guy that i've never heard of until today. Plus, this guy looks like a wannabe Ed Sheeran but even more pathetic. Anyways.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Eugenia Cooney: The Girl, That's Killing Herself of Starvation

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

This is going to be a quick post and pretty straightforward because even if this person see's this, she's going to think I'm being mean spirited all because she needs professional help. But anyways, having some serious illness, disease or any sort of condition can be dangerous and life threatening (no shit) but when you're filming yourself, people will start to take notice and thus causing an uproar of why those people need help in general. For this post I give you Eugenia Cooney; a YouTuber/Cosplayer that is severely underweight without ever realizing it. Plus, the fact that she can still walk is absolutely shocking. She'll definitely ignore all of the criticism that comes her way.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Full Update on The Pink Sauce Drama

This post has been updated: Click Here.

Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse from here on out, well then, you're wrong. Today we are talking about The Pink Sauce once again but this time it's a full update on what's going on with Chef Pii (the creator of The Pink Sauce). For those that need context or a quick recap, I did a post called 'The Pink Sauce Drama' back in August of 2022. It was essentially Pii defending her product and her claims. The product is not FDA approved as well as the ingredients and for the people who received their Pink Sauce ended up with exploded bottles due to high heat and non-insulated bags. If you want to see that post, I recommend checking it out first before going any further.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

HowtoBasic: The Food Waster

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

You've probably noticed here on this blog that every single image appeared dead and that's because I accidentally deleted the whole gallery of images there. So, I spent a day in a half re-uploading all of the images and hopefully all of them should be back up and running. What happens when you combine 'How-To's' with foodwasting? Simple, you get terrible content. Anyways for today's post we are talking about HowtoBasic; A YouTuber that started making How-To videos at the beginning, but apparently likes to make a mess all over his kitchen and having to clean up afterwards. All that counts for is pure entertainment for most people and it sucks in the longrun.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Coolcatfunhouse: Down the Abyss We Go

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I was originally going to upload this post, but around the time when I got locked out of this account it had to be scrapped and cancelled so I'm making this post again for the second time. I might as well talk about this guy since he still uploads content like there's no tomorrow. For today's post we are going to be talking about coolcatfunhouse; a "YouTuber" who makes movies as well as books based on his mascot Cool Cat (as the name implies), but has been exploiting people for the misleading advice, gives out false Copyright Strikes to YouTuber's to talk bad about him and was also arrested for having a firearm. He also supports NFTs so it's not really a surprise.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

ImFakeStation: Clones That Keep on Cloning

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
There's quite a bit of swearing in this so you've been warned.

Apparently were back on the topic of 3AM Challenge videos as if the cycle is never going to stop anytime soon. The fucked-up thing about it is that they tend to break the guidelines one after the next after the next and YouTube is not giving a flying fuck doing nothing. I've talked about a few of those YouTuber's. One of them was N&A Productions and the other one on ImJayStation (check them out if you're interested). But today we are talking about another clone that does the same thing as ImJayStation and that is ImFakeStation; a clone channel that literally tries to copy ImJayStation in terms of 3AM Challenges and death exploitations, but equally as worst as him.

Monday, October 10, 2022

The Khord Kitty Drama

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
We're also still waiting for his bogus response to prove everyone wrong.

It doesn't come to a surprise that when any sort of drama is brought to the surface, it's mostly in communities that are known to have a vague history like the furry community and the Brony Community as an example. A lot of times, no one doesn't think much of it until one person on social media calls them out. No matter how bad the situation is, those people are going to get away with it and will always try to avoid the police or jail time at all costs. Well today we are talking about Khord Kitty; a furry who goes to conventions and tries to be slick about it, but was also called out for transphobic racist remarks, labeled as a pedophile/zoophile and was booed onstage at a convention called Biggest Little Fur Con (BLFC). This is also some pretty damn recent drama.

Braso: Milking Someone For Clout

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

With the day in age of people on YouTube, most of the content they produce can either be good, bad or even outright terrible. There's a lot of people who would milk a game so hardcore that the state of the content would get stale after a while. The same applies with a game like Minecraft (which is what I've talked about since the last few months with The Awful PNG Tuber's), which there's ton of content from the channels who produce them. This also leads to the same stale repeat of videos and it's not a good thing. Well today we're talking about something different. We are talking about Braso; a Minecraft YouTuber that has come into being pretty recently but was also another YouTuber that milked Technoblade's death for views and clout.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

ViralHog: The Troll Company For Stealing Content

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people or this company.

There are times when you make a video with the hopes of it going viral someday, but it really doesn't get that much attention because nowadays, they're a lot of videos like the ones done so many times, making yours fail in comparison. What would it be like if it weren't for ad revenue and making money off of YouTube videos? Most of these companies may be able to help you but most of them come with very strict consequences and for this we have ViralHog; a company that helps boost your ratings and income for videos in licensing rights but was involved in some pretty hefty copyright strike abuse, making them very defensive for their actions. The company is still going to this day, but they really haven't learned their lesson.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Imgur: Another Outdated Site

Depending upon how you look at it, social media sites are everywhere. The most popular ones that I can point out are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok while the one that's obscure but obsolete is MySpace. Most of these platforms will have a huge impact and a huge following whereas others might end up falling into the abyss. MySpace did have a following but fell through after the release of Facebook and Twitter. It depends on the competition. For today's post we are talking about Imgur; an obscure sharing site for gifs, images, videos and memes, but does it in the worst way possible as most of these are extremely dated. Plus, many of the memes aren't any good.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Long Time no See (Please Read)

Hello there,

It has been quite a while since I've last posted anything. Last time I ever posted was back in the middle of August with the Cryaotic post. The reason for the inactivity was because I totally forgot about the recovery email and was a big screw up on my part. Since then, I created another account and transferred most of the posts here on this blog (using a simple copy and paste method) into Google Sites under the same name: Worst YouTuber Segment.

I mean sure, it was much lower in quality since the New Google Sites is still terribly lacking in terms of new features (like the ability to add comments and tags), but it was the only thing I had to make do with it (originally going to switch to something like WordPress). Unfortunately, I have been locked out of that account as well. This time, Google thinks that I'm violating their policy when that's not the case. While I'm waiting for an appeal, I have some good news.