Saturday, May 13, 2023

Defethyst on Twitter: The Pathetic Predator

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

It's disgusting how YouTube and all types of social media are filled with a cesspool of predators. I've pretty much discussed quite a few on YouTube like Cryaotic, Mini Ladd (with Update), Entity Mays, Charem the Shadox (with Update), Featureman and the list goes on and on. Of course, they always try to get away from the situation scot-free, but the damage is already done and everyone knows about their history. That is what this individual did as for today's post we are going to talk about Defethyst on Twitter; a YouTuber who used to make videos related to tv shows like the Steven Universe franchise, but was caught for being a predator as well as making a disgusting joke.

The Major Fall:

Predatory Allegations:

Right Click to view image in New Tab.
Right Click to view image in New Tab.
Right Click to view image in New Tab.

There's not much information on this guy other than being a disgusting human and his quantity of videos are very low. So this guy Defethyst (also known as Rian or Zane) has been in the center of drama around December 21-22 of 2020. Around this time, the victims had come out on Twitter to write responses against Rian. All of the tweets have been deleted but can be viewed in the archives. The responses for this are very damning including sending inappropriate messages towards one of the victims through Discord.

After the evidence against Rian came out, he disappeared permanently off the internet. Both of his social media accounts including Instagram were either private or with no posts at all. What's worse about the whole situation is that no one hasn't made any video responses. Usually in cases like these, a bunch of videos would come out but they haven't. Since Rian disappeared, he's never coming back.

Images & Sources:

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