Friday, May 19, 2023

Euphoric Brothers: Egotistical Babies

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

Not only that we live in the world of the internet, but we also live in the world of video games. Depending upon which platform (or console) they're on, you can find a variety of great games out there. Unfortunately, in this day in age there have been a lot of bad games I would say between 2012 to today. When it comes to criticism, people who buy your games are allowed to critique it whether it would be problems, bugs, glitches and a few other things. Most of the time, this leads to the egotistical fucks that can't take criticism at all good or bad. That is what this developer has done and for this we have Euphoric Brothers; a game developer who produces short games and tries to attack the audience but fails at it.

One of their first games.
Frontpage of their website in 2023.

Euphoric Brothers began as a developer in June of 2020. Not much was going on during the development of the first game (maybe not the first) which came out on January 15, 2021 titled "Swallow The Blue: Remastered" which was a remastered version of the original game. Throughout between 2021 to today, they have released 12 games, some of which were released one every couple of months. A primary example of this is their game "How We Got Here" which was released on May 18, 2021, and "Life On A Pizza" released on June 21 of the same year. The developers specialize in (mostly) the horror genre like what we've seen from the god-awful fandom known as FNAF being milked to death as well as 2D style. A lot of their games are free to play but due to the recent drama, newer games that come out require payment, more on that a little later.

Why Their Bad:

Poorly Made Games / Shitting on Other Games / Can't Take Criticism:

Before we get to the nitty gritty part of this post, I want to discuss the games they produced. The first thing you'll notice is that whatever engine they use, they basically make the same games over and over and over again but with different titles and different styles. You can clearly see an alternating pattern between the screenshots shown above. Not that there's anything wrong with that but if you continue doing the same style like this, it gets old very fast. What started it all was a game titled "Introvert: A Teenager Simulator" which ended up being controversial because it was about a school shooter. There's also claims that they steal assets from other games but currently, there's no evidence to back these claims up.

The drama started and it speculated with a game they created back in January of this year titled Garten of BanBan which is a horror game similar to Poppy Playtime with visual elements. The game received mixed reviews for the people who played it but probably the most notorious problem out of the 3 games (4th one coming soon) is the short gameplay. Typically, a game can last so many hours whereas Garten of BanBan can be beaten in under an hour. That is ridiculously low especially for game standards. Part of this is because they're releasing each game as a trilogy almost every month. If you're going to do that, why not release the game all in one bundle and make the duration longer? I doesn't make any sense. Several people have said that it ruined the Mascot Horror to where it makes it less scary.

Euphoric Brothers are known for spreading stupid lies and controversial shit on Twitter. A primary example is that they posted a tweet on January 16, 2023. The tweet said "When a new indie horror game with a main menu gets released" and is trying to imply that indie games don't have main menus? I don't know but the way it was said was undeniably horrible. Also the way it was worded, a lot of games have main menus. Anyways, the tweet received a huge amount of backlash and it was so bad that Kane Carter (one of the creators for the FNAF spin-off titled POPGOES) replied to the tweet with just question marks.

Now we get to the main reason why Euphoric Brothers are absolute shit. For starters, they can't take any criticism whatsoever. They would go after people as a hit piece because the people who bought the game didn't like the experience, it was short or would ask for refunds. Euphoric Brothers don't understand the idea and the concept of criticism because they think that their games are superior compared to other titles. Of course, they'll block people on Twitter for saying logical statements to which they don't like. This spawned several YouTuber's like RandomStuffGaming, AstralSpiff, DolphinsThingz, Pyrocynical and many others to make videos on this situation.

Images & Sources:

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