Saturday, May 27, 2023

Update on Featureman

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person or any people mentioned.

Oh boy, we are in for a treat as were here to talk about the first update on this guy. I typically create separate updates for these YouTuber's because it would be redundant to update a post over and over again. For those that need context, I did a post around the ending of April titled "Featureman: The Oldest Predator" and how he YouTuber's were able to capture him over a case that happened in the 1970s leading to his severe decline. Since it had been roughly several weeks since the last post, I figured I would do an update on him because he's still posting videos as if nothing ever happened and tries to manipulate his audience into brushing by the drama.

Quick Recap:

I didn't talk about his history or recap in the previous post so I figured I would talk about it here. Featureman (also known as Tom Willett) used to be quite big in the movie industry and eventually moved away from production scenes. He created his channel in 2006, which was mostly related to food, tutorials and music. Everything came crashing down as near the ending of April 2023, he uploaded a video (deleted but reuploaded from someone else) which was originally titled "My Prison Adventures" in which he talks about his experience being in jail. However, what he told was very obviously predatory behavior. The video was quickly deleted but many people got a hold of it and did some investigations and found old newspaper articles of him pleading guilty of three counts of the NRS violation. Unfortunately, he got the possibility of parole and got out scot-free. Now he's been continuously losing subscribers and a lot of his videos have either been deleted or privated.

What's New:

Severe Decline in Subs / Continuing to Post Videos:

Before anyone continues on reading, please read through that post I linked at the very top to get the general idea on what Tom is. So, what about this update and what's different from the last time I talked about him? Well, Tom had slowed himself to a crawl and had remained inactive since then. Of course, he's been hiding videos that were considered to be a problem. In terms of his socialblade, it still continues to decline not just subscribers but also the views. At the start of the controversy, he had 430k subscribers and now (at the time I'm making this post) it has dropped to 401k. The same thing goes for views where he peaked over 49M views dropping down to just 6M.

Tiffany is defending Tom and doesn't believe in anything.

Meanwhile, he continues to pump out videos on his channel not just the main but his alt as well. He's also been doing it under the community tab. In his latest video, he disabled comments mostly to hide the negativity. All of this is because of one user by the name of Tiffany who made the suggestion because of the "Rumors" that were going around. All in all, Tiffany's basically defending him as if nothing ever happened. It's disgusting that people like them still defend predators. Will continue to update once more information comes out.

Images & Sources:

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