Thursday, May 11, 2023

Unfiltered Podcast: Drowning of Insecurities

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass any of these people.
One of my add-ons to show dislikes wasn't working so I switched to another one.

Ah, the joy of podcasting. It's been taking place all over YouTube and there are a variety of podcasts to choose from (actually too many of them). Some of them are good while the vast majority of them are terrible. I guess podcasting is much easier to do because it requires less skill when compared to other content on YouTube. I guess in order to continue to become successful, they have to talk about fresh topics. Otherwise, they'll fail. You've probably read from the title that this is refering to Zane and Heaths Unfiltered but that isn't it. Anyways we are talking about a different type of unfiltered called The Unfiltered Podcast which came into light recently for being dicks.

The Major Fall:

Biggest Manchild / Failed Response:

I'm not going to go through the history of The Unfiltered Podcast because they started in November of 2022 and podcasts are so boring to talk about.

Even though this is a relatively small channel, they did spark controversy in the form of being a dick. On April 28, 2023, they did a livestream on their channel titled "UNKNOWN body count CHICK GETS KICKED OUT!" which is a ridiculous title. About 1 hour and 50 minutes into the stream is where they do the body count. The host (who goes by the name of Eric) on the left goes through each chick to ask them on a scale from 1 to 10 the hosts attractiveness and looks. When it got to the third chick, she rated him a 2 while the others were rated between 8 and 10. During this segment, Eric acted like such a fucking manchild just because he was rated as a 2 and he still treated the woman like a dick too. As a result the video was met with negative reception receiving 142 likes to 481 dislikes. It got enough attention that MoistCr1tiKaL made a video about it (shown above) as well as Aba & Preach. Hell, even the comment section was making more fair points saying that the behavior was Eric drowning of insecurity as well as his ability to insult women.

Of course, that didn't stop him from making the batshit insane content he was doing before. Right after MoistCr1tiKaL and Aba & Preach's video, Eric makes another livestream basically addressing them as well as the 'haters'. The stream which is close to 3 hours long fails to prove any points and Eric kept on pausing almost every second of the videos that were calling him out. The stream was received poorly again for obvious reasons with 174 likes to 734 dislikes. Several people tweeted about it and his true colors show that he's clearly misogynistic against women. He'll probably do this shit again because Eric is so insecure about himself that it makes you wonder why the podcast was made in the first place. It doesn't make any sense.

Images & Sources:

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