Thursday, February 29, 2024

Moliminous: The Pathetic Clickbait Brony [WARNING]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
WARNING: Some of the content maybe disturbing to some viewers.

Well, this is the first post at the end of February after initially telling you that this blog is dead mostly because of the Nitter Instances. But I manage to find some more that are still online so hopefully nothing really changes. That's not to say I'm back fully, but I will continue to post until the deadline meets. But anyways, there's one particular fandom I have never talked about on this blog and that is Bronies or the Brony Community. I typically stay away from that particular fandom as it's less interesting than the Furry Community however the drama itself is equally as bad as the furry counterpart. I've tried repeated attempts to make a post on this person but failed so I'm trying again for the fifth time and this is Moliminous; the Pathetic Brony.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

This Blog is Dead (Or Is It?)

Well folks, you heard it right. Unfortunately, with the sudden occurrence with this post as well as the previous one I have made the painstaking decision to cancel continuing this blog (for now at least).

The primary reason for this is the low traffic of views on this blog because the other search engines had stopped showing my blog on their platforms with the possibility of it being hateful towards YouTuber's which that really isn't the case.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Nitter is Officially Dead (Alternatives?)

So if you've been tuning into my blog for quite some time now, you'll know about the topic I usually talk about the most with that being Nitter which is the Twitter alternative but more in a private fashion. I usually use them as sources.

Unfortunately, with many of the instances I regularly use, almost every single one of them don't work or they've been shutdown due to the instances being out of date. Well, we have somewhat of an update and it's not pretty.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Toxicity of PACKGOD

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Anytime when channels like these come around, they always become some of the worst of its kind. More importantly, when they do something for the purpose of being a troll or just trolling people to what we call for sport it literally shows their true color. We've seen trolls on the YouTube platform ranging from Seth Meiring doing so called prank videos for the purpose of trolling people in public to the terribleness of uwucutesingle (with Update) promoting a gambling site. Now I typically stayed away from talking about this person because there really wasn't anything against him but since stuff is coming out against him, now's the time to talk about it and for this we have PACKGOD; a person who stages videos.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Miraheze Questionable Future (Update on Miraheze)

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people or this company.
I want to put a disclaimer here that not all users are bad. There are some good civil users who just work on the wikis.

Once again, I never would've thought that I would talk about the subject of terrible wiki's but here we are yet again to talk about the classic site that everyone's been talking about; Miraheze. It's almost as if there's a constant triangle working itself together. For those that don't know and need context, I made a post around the end of June titled "The Fall of Miraheze" and how it wasn't going to sustain itself until a user stepped in and bought the keys to the company. Well now things have quite change within the past 8 months and to be perfectly honest, it makes people wonder what the future of Miraheze is going to be and it's not looking good for the most part.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Whatever Happened to CarFlo

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Hello and welcome back once again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible (except this channel is not terrible). Near the ending of January, I talked about Parker's Tutorials and how after a video he did in 2017, he fled his channel to make more SFX art behind the scenes. However, were not talking about a SFX artist were talking about a gamer and it's a person that I brought up in my 'Whatever Happened to Chrisandthemike' post and for this we have CarFlo; a YouTuber who plays Minecraft and is an animator but remains inactive as a way of taking a break or hiatus.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Rachel Fusaro: The Fear Mongering Parasite

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I never would've thought that I would have to make a post on this person anytime soon, but because she has been in my recommendations for quite some time now even upon reset, I had enough of this person taking up my feed and search up her history and it turns out were in for a doozy. This is also possibly the second time I ever get to use the word 'Parasite' in the title with the first one being GaroShadowscale. I normally don't talking about things related to pets but this might be the first of many and for this we have Rachel Fusaro; a dog guru and a nutritionist that specializes in dog related topics but since then switched over to dog food and trying to fear-monger the public.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Disturbing Past of JewWario

Side Note: Even though this is a deceased person, please do not go and attack or harass anyone mentioned.

I don't really talk about YouTuber's that are deceased, mainly because it's a disturbing topic on something that happened behind the scenes. It just doesn't sit well with me and gives me vibes of things that are either creepy or strange. I mean the only time I ever brought up someone that was deceased was with the ImJayStation post where he used Etika (one of the most popular streamer during that time) as for content and basically disrespected him not long after Etika's passing. However, this subject were going to talk about is quite more disturbing and that is JewWario; a YouTuber who made Gaming videos and Reviews but even after his passing showed disturbing messages towards others.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

LankyBox: The World of Cringe Content

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

Every single solitary day, we stray much further away from gods light especially when it comes to making content in this day and age. I mean, within the last few years we've seen an uptick with some of the worst yet cringeworthy children's content imaginable. You have creators like uwucutesingle who preys on the gambling craze to coolcatfunhouse that makes terrible movies for children and fails to prove any point on what it actually is meant for. Well, today we have a channel that is literally scraping the bottom of the barrel and that is LankyBox who used to do videos related to music and eventually switched over to gaming/vlogs but everything they do is downright cringeworthy.

Monday, February 5, 2024

The Disgusting Content of DXB MEDIA

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Jesus Christ almighty, what a way to start off the month of February and it's fucking disgusting and so disrespectful. Every now and then, there's a trend that goes around whether it would be police bodycams or just straight up death when it comes to celebrities or normal people. A lot of these channels who aren't real officials will post these videos of said people's deaths not only for clout but for revenue. That alone is such a scummy tactic to do and we've seen it like ImJayStation as an example for exploitation of peoples deaths for clout. Here we have a person I never heard of and that is DXB MEDIA; a person who reports on people and celebrity deaths but gets paid in the scummiest way possible.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Fntastic Just Never Stops (Update)

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass these people.

Well, this is the first post of February and Jesus Christ almighty if you ever thought that a game developer couldn't get much worse than this, we'll be prepared for some of the worst cringe you'll ever see in your entire life. I'm talking of course about Fntastic again. For those that don't know and need context, I made a post a month ago titled "Fntastic Shutting Down Over a Scam Game" and how all the things leading up to their most anticipated game failed, leaving for them to close the studio few days later after the release of The Day Before. This is actually the first update regarding them and by the look of the information that has been coming out by them it's definitely not pretty. I swear, these developers won't admit defeat.