Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Toxicity of PACKGOD

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Anytime when channels like these come around, they always become some of the worst of its kind. More importantly, when they do something for the purpose of being a troll or just trolling people to what we call for sport it literally shows their true color. We've seen trolls on the YouTube platform ranging from Seth Meiring doing so called prank videos for the purpose of trolling people in public to the terribleness of uwucutesingle (with Update) promoting a gambling site. Now I typically stayed away from talking about this person because there really wasn't anything against him but since stuff is coming out against him, now's the time to talk about it and for this we have PACKGOD; a person who stages videos.

The Fall:

Staged Videos / Repetitiveness:

Despite PACKGOD (also known as Elias Lichten) presence, most of his channels began more recently and grew in popularity though I was able to find an older channel titled ezL where he would create music. So, Elias does troll videos and for those that don't know in Discord terms, the word Pack (or Packing) in PACKGOD means you're kicked out of the group or getting kicked out and he would do this for the sole purpose of entertaining a 5-year-old audience. Put two of those together and you have the worst content of all time translating it to repetitive content and that's how Elias grew within a year. It's honestly disgusting.

Then you have him caught lying to people. On December 27, 2022, a user by the name of overweight content posted a video titled "pack god stages his videos proof" in which it shows Elias setting up things behind the scenes as a skit for the actual videos he's been putting out. What he's actually been doing is trying to discourage his audience into thinking on what's happening in his videos is real. At the time I'm making this post, Elias didn't respond to the video and kept on grinding and now we know that his videos are completely stage. There was also controversy regarding another person but that's a saga in it of itself.

Images & Sources:

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