Monday, February 5, 2024

The Disgusting Content of DXB MEDIA

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Jesus Christ almighty, what a way to start off the month of February and it's fucking disgusting and so disrespectful. Every now and then, there's a trend that goes around whether it would be police bodycams or just straight up death when it comes to celebrities or normal people. A lot of these channels who aren't real officials will post these videos of said people's deaths not only for clout but for revenue. That alone is such a scummy tactic to do and we've seen it like ImJayStation as an example for exploitation of peoples deaths for clout. Here we have a person I never heard of and that is DXB MEDIA; a person who reports on people and celebrity deaths but gets paid in the scummiest way possible.

The Major Fall:

Clickbait & Exploitation / Sub-Botting:

Even though this person doesn't get a lot of views in most of his videos (there are some popular ones), DXB MEDIA is the primary example of being disrespectful to the dead. He used to be under a different channel named called mosmediatv but that was scrapped. What I mean by that is he literally clickbaits in his thumbnails. A lot of times you'll see him clickbait the thumbnail using the same yellow arrow pointed at the persons face most of the time. He's been doing this for literally over a year and the irony in this is that he made a video on "How to avoid Repetitive Content" yet he's literally doing the same exact thing in these videos. I don't know about you, but his content is repetitively disrespectful. He used to be under a different channel named called mosmediatv but that was scrapped.

Exploiting people's deaths is not only disrespectful but also profiting off of it is the lowest of the low. When it comes to his socialblade, he ended up getting a spike in subscribers during the month of January. However, this clearly shows that he's buying subs because of the amount he's getting every single day. While that could be normal such as getting subs every single day, it is such a rare occurrence nowadays. If I were you, I would not watch this person at all.

Images & Sources:

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