Thursday, February 29, 2024

Moliminous: The Pathetic Clickbait Brony [WARNING]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
WARNING: Some of the content maybe disturbing to some viewers.

Well, this is the first post at the end of February after initially telling you that this blog is dead mostly because of the Nitter Instances. But I manage to find some more that are still online so hopefully nothing really changes. That's not to say I'm back fully, but I will continue to post until the deadline meets. But anyways, there's one particular fandom I have never talked about on this blog and that is Bronies or the Brony Community. I typically stay away from that particular fandom as it's less interesting than the Furry Community however the drama itself is equally as bad as the furry counterpart. I've tried repeated attempts to make a post on this person but failed so I'm trying again for the fifth time and this is Moliminous; the Pathetic Brony.

The Problematic Fall:

Clickbait Content / Stealing Art Without Permission:

And we might as well talk about him. Seeing thumbnails like these are the primary example of everything wrong with YouTube today, though these date back 4 years ago. Moliminous is the type of person that tries to do very little research and then tries to come up with theories because a lot of people do that. Then there's also the thumbnails which my god, pass me the bleach please. To make matters worse, many of the thumbnails he uses are either just part of an episode or fanart which he doesn't have the rights to.

Speaking of which, after doing a quick search on (just by searching his name), his name is mentioned on DeviantArt several different times stealing people's artwork without permission going all the way back between 2017 and 2019. In one of the Journal entries, Moliminous actually responded to one of the posts claiming that he got it from a website called derpibooru (a website without quality control and is ran by fuckers). To make matters worse, his name popping up on DeviantArt also popped up a status post of him stealing peoples OCs for his "Gen 5 Spoiler" video (no credit in description) and it also linked to another post of Moliminous using said OCs again without permission. Whatever this person has in his tiny little brain, he's clearly mentally deranged and doesn't understand the general idea of asking someone first before you jump the wild gun. He's also one of those people that was never taught the word "no" as a kid.

So where does this leave us? Well, despite his inactivity on the main channel and focusing on his other channel (which is just as cringe as the main), he's more active on Twitter and my god this is where things start to get very problematic. Despite posting tweets frequently in a single day and paying for the blue checkmark, most of his tweets are just filled with rants ranging from predatory topics, simping for Dream, complaining about Twitter freaks being mad at everything while he's doing the same exact shit, a failed explanation on retirement, players being bad in video games while complaining about KD and so on. It's just a neverending cesspool of these tweets and I can't believe that people still watch this person. I mean Jesus fucking Christ.

Images & Sources:

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