Monday, January 29, 2024

The Future of The Nitter Instances

Well, hello there yet again. January has been quite the month for more and more problems within the past few weeks and to be perfectly honest it's not going to be pretty in the long run.

So if you've been following this blog, you'll know about the service that I use as a way to find sources and that is Nitter. I've discussed the problems with them mimicking twitter in the past and the instances would go down all of a sudden. Now this is something a bit more serious.

Literally just 1 day ago, someone posted on the ycombinator website with the title "Nitter is Dead" and it was a discussion on how just one of the instances was shut down. However, someone had linked the Github thread from Zedeus saying "Nitter is Dead" and "Guest Accounts have been removed, they weren't just led to believe that. With real accounts getting rated limited immediately and likely banned, I don't see any path forward for Nitter." Many people suspected that some of the instances were going down but not all of them. This is also leading to the suspicion of Nitter's dark future going forward.

Based on the service that it runs, Nitter utilizes a thing which in basic terms is called a healthy/unhealthy service. This basically tells whether or not the instances are healthy and unhealthy. Most of the time, it's due to a massive amount of traffic, meaning a ton of users going there. Regardless if things ever change, will have to wait and see but until then, the next post will be post-pone.

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