Saturday, January 13, 2024

Lack of Posts Lately (And Other Things)

Well, hello there. I really wasn't expecting another one of those update posts again but here we are coming back for another update on what has been going on within the past several weeks.

If you haven't seen the last update regarding this, I took a Christmas hiatus that began on December 19 and ended on December 26. It was more or less like a break because of all the posts I made during 2023. Over the past few weeks during December, I started to fall into depression.

It wasn't severe but it was around the mid-tier meaning it was somewhat close. It was also the primary reason why I stepped away from making posts for a week. Plus, due to life among other things it's been too stressful these days.

You also notice the lack of Updates regarding the Update History tab. That's because I keep on forgetting that it's there so I will spend the next 30 minutes updating the history as best as I can but I don't guarantee it in the least bit.

The reason why I wanted to make this update post again is because there's somewhat of a change coming and that is much less posts per month. I know this change may upset people but it's the only thing I can do at the moment. Until then, things will probably change in the near future.


- Michael Bay.

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