Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Jack Doherty Effect: Hiding Behind Their Guards

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

I'm so glad that this guy's getting karma. It's not just because of the past drama, but for him to harass people in public, hire his own bodyguards and hide behind them as a way of protection. I seriously cannot stand these younger YouTuber's and that's because most of them are flat-out annoying and basically destroying everything they touch. Well for today's post we are going to be talking about Jack Doherty; a YouTuber from Long Island (among other places) that makes vlog type videos however it's a far cry in it of itself as his primary goal is to become the biggest dick of all time. As far as I can tell, nobody likes this person especially the other YouTuber's who are talking about the drama.

The Major Fall:

Feeding for Attention / No Remorse:

I'm not going to talk about the history on Jack Doherty (a.k.a. Jack Colin Doherty) because it's long and very uninteresting.

Jack has been on YouTube since 2016 so not too long. As the years progressed, he began at a constant decline for being the biggest dick known to man. A primary example of this is when he went onto the Dr. Phil show back in 2020 and Dr. Phil tries to fix him (as in the stupidest terms) and make him a better person. To simply put it the whole episode was just Jack drowning other people out who speak the truth about him, therefor not facing reality. All of his friends including his family are a bad influence towards him as he needs to be put in a mental institution.

Then you have his Twitter which is just filled with nothing hut him being the dick most of the time. Where it all eventually failed was a tweet he posted (shown above) on December 22, 2023. In it, his friend (or guard) was wearing an inappropriate shirt out in public in front of kids. Things got all heated and escalated into a fight and his guard backed him up. Even without the guard, Jack would end up getting the taste of his own medicine.

As a result, from August of 2023 to today, each of his videos are filled with negative reception. YouTuber's like Penguinz0, AugustTheDuck, TheAsherShow, SomeOrdinaryGamer and many others made videos talking about the situation. This also spawned several different articles and several posts on Reddit talking about his downfall. Unfortunately, this didn't affect his subscriber count as he's still continuously growing and I came to the conclusion that he's buying subs. I don't know and to be honest I don't care.

Images & Sources:

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