Saturday, January 6, 2024

Whatever Happened to SokarEntertainment

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Welcome back once again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible. Last week, I talked about the channel known as Jogwheel who is considered to be the creator of 'Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This.' This time were back to a gamer once again but a short-lived one at that. If you grew up in the early days of Minecraft (lets say between 2011-2012), then you've probably heard about this guy before becoming popular amongst the golden age YouTuber's like XisumaVoid and UNHOST THE GHOST. For this we have SokarEntertainment who's content was very promising but soon disappeared in late 2012.

SokarEntertainment (that's how he goes by as his username) started his account on September 3, 2011, and uploaded his first video on September 14 of the same year titled "A Minecraft Let's Play - Episode 1: Out of the water.. (part 1/2)." Sokar would play mostly Minecraft throughout his career but very rarely ever play any other game, maybe survival type games to say the least. Videos would come out more often in terms of his Let's Plays and doing collaborations with other YouTuber's like XisumaVoid and Keralis as an example. One of the most popular and yet most viewed video on his channel is titled "Sokar VS Keralis - Super Pirate Battle Royale HD" which sits at over 20M views making it the highest viewed on the channel.

What Happened to Them:

Disappearance / Active Presence?:

Everything was going good for Sokar with the video uploads and the collaborations with other popular YouTubers. I haven't checked back with Sokar for a while and thought what he's up to these days. It turns out that he quit YouTube in late 2012. His last video upload was on November 5, 2012, which was a collab with XisumaVoid. Everyone started to wonder whatever happened to him since then but no one would come up with an answer other than just theories.

Upon looking through the socials, his Planet Minecraft account hasn't been touched since 2012, his Reddit is still active with a post from 2022 and Twitter is a rare occurrence with a reply from 2020. That is until recently where the video that I previously linked to with the collab, Sokar responded to a user from 4 months ago. The user talks about the flashback memories they used to have when watching him and asked how he's been doing. Sokar responds by writing:

"Whatup! It's always nice to hear from people who thinks of the fun we had back then. I can answer you hear :) I won't go into too many details, but Im really good. I finished my masters degree and work as a computer scientist, who specializes in applied mathematics (numerical optimization and data analysis). I live with my girlfriend who works in a similar position. I don't get to play much these days, but when I do get a bit of time, I currently play Factorio or Path of Exile. I occasionally reminisce amount Minecraft and YouTube, but given where I ended up, I think it things worked out just fine.

I might make a small update video some day, to let the few people who still wonder know what's up. Until then, this comment will have do :) Thanks for asking. I hope life is treating you well as well." - Sokar.

To simply put it, school caught up to him and he decided to quit while he's ahead but he doesn't get a lot of free time on his hands to make videos and play games. When he does it's usually Factorio and the Path of Exile. Sokar also gives hints of a possible update video some day but until then, will have to wait and see.

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