Sunday, March 12, 2023

Another Quick Update

Hello everyone, it's time to talk about another update. This time it's kind of different compared to the previous updates but I thought I would give you a rundown on what's been happening. Also, daylight savings time just happened so I'm not happy about that.

My viewership had been steadily dropping throughout the past few months. January of 2023 was off to a pretty rough start (the same thing goes for Feburary) in terms of this blog and unfortunately, many search engines stopped detecting it for whatever reason. The only search engine that it still detects on is Google itself, which is pretty sad considering that the search engine makes it hard to find anything in this day and age. If you like this blog, a little sharing would help.

Now getting to the main important part, the content for this blog will change slightly. Since I always talk about YouTuber's almost every single time I go to make a post, I rarely ever talk about anything related to social media influencers and events (hence for the caption at the very top). The only thing that's event related I discussed recently is Free Fur All (with an Update) so posts similar to this will come out a little more often. A new post that's coming soon is a company called Rico Management.

Then there's also the more terrible websites that I will talk about a little more often as well. I've discussed several websites in the past since my return and will continue to talk about them more because well, more have been coming out (mostly the terrible ones) so stay tuned for that.

Other than that, it's pretty much it for this update. It's mostly slight difference in the content change, but hopefully you'll stick around.

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