Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Absolute Horrendous Decline of Cartoonizando [UPDATE: March 22, 2023]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
There's going to be some translation in this post.

There's a reason as to why I put this guy on the list, mainly because of his low quality in recent videos nowadays and also the fact that he has such a terrible take with pretty much anything such as reaction videos. Now I don't like reaction videos because there lazy and bad and many of them profit off stolen content. To me their all the same with some having much higher quality value than the rest of them. I'm getting off topic here but for today's post we are going to talk about Cartoonizando; a Brazilian YouTuber who makes reviews regarding cartoons and films, but was broguht up in some drama with Brazilian YouTube and Reaction videos as a whole while doing the opposite.

Cartoonizando (also known as Matt) started his account on October 6, 2007, however he didn't upload anything for 7 whole years until February 28, 2014 with the first video titled "Adventure Time - Things You Don't Know" which were things that were related to the show Adventure Time. This began a series of 'Things You Don't Know' videos ranging from cartoons like The Amazing World of Gumball and Family Guy to video games like Sonic the Hedgehog and Pokemon. The content was repeated throughout part of 2014 and slowly switched to video games more often. Several of his early videos had a view boost like Minecraft - Things You Don't Know and Five Nights at Freddy's. One of his most popular video on his channel is titled "10 WORST DRAWINGS" and since then, that video has been unlisted. Matt also sits at 857k subscribers.

The Mistake:

State of the Content / Reaction Videos & Brazilian YouTubers:

So let me say that I dislike the cartoon community. I never understood the idea and the concept of this community other than people bitching about something that isn't their taste. But anyways as shown in the screenshot above is Matt's content. Nowadays it's just him resorting to either copying someone else's work or just repetitive content as a whole. Most of the time, he'll switch to the horror genre. Not like the pathetic 3AM Challenge videos that we've seen before but doing investigation work that many people have done in the past.

Then outcomes the livestreams. For those that don't know, Matt has several different channels. One of them is where he records livestreams titled CartoonizandoLIVE. Well, the drama started back on February 18, 2023 (so pretty recently) when he was recording a livestream titled "This game looks like a creepypasta" (livestream shown above). Things started out tame where he was just playing a game but around the 1 hour and 40-minute mark, the Brazilians started to hate him. What he claims is that Brazilian YouTube terrible and they steal content, making it inferior to American YouTube which is pretty much stupid in it of itself.

The Original Un-Translated Post. See Translation Below.

Around the ending of the stream he starts criticizing reaction videos, also claiming that the smaller creators are stealing his content as well as his views and acting arrogant to this. This is also strange because he praised reaction channels like Brazilian YouTuber's Cellbit and Luba for reacting to his videos. As a result, the stream was disliked bomb with 1.8k Likes to 6.5k Dislikes. The situation was so undeniably terrible that he made a response (shown above) about it a few days later. The whole post itself has been translated into English shown below:

"I apologize for the way I acted, but I still believe that reacts are the type of content I don't want my content to be related to. So thank you for taking the videos where mine are.

Clearly some of you who didn't watch the live and are only reacting to what others are saying and not the source of the controversy to begin with.

I don't have problems with reactions. I even gave examples on LIVE on how to make good reactions! how I like to watch them, and why I have so many problems with the type of reactions my videos are related to. I don't want my videos that take 2 weeks to 2 months of work to be re-uploaded in less than 1 day of its release. None of these reactions even asked me for permission to use my videos. I'm sure at least some of you will understand how annoying this is.

Especially when most of those videos are minutes of nothing but my video, no sound change, no editing, nothing but my original video. This is incredibly frustrating. Having your hundreds of hours of work not go to video because someone else re-uploaded it without even my own subscribers seeing it released.

For everyone who knows me through lives, Twitter and the videos themselves, you know that I'm not a bad person. But the way I acted was wrong. I was angry because there were people defending reaction channels, and thinking that I was hating a single guy. Even though on the live (where this all happened) I badmouthed all the reactions that didn't have any effort in them.

I see people saying "I had no problem with Luba or Cellbit". But I did. I trashed how Cellbit spent minutes just eating and doing nothing. But none of you even saw the original live to know. I didn't mention Luba, because the video he saw was a video I didn't care about. I don't know if some of you will understand, but when something fails me, I don't want to look at that something anymore. That's why I never mentioned "Ghostwatch" again. I don't care about that video. But the recent ones I spent weeks making, yes. I am fond of them.

Now, I was thinking of ending this by saying that I'm on medication, and I'm on this and that and blah blah blah. But not. It doesn't matter how I am, the way I acted was wrong. I still think they should have asked me to use my videos? Yes. But I could have also said it in the DM. But I acted like a child and for that I apologize."

- Matt

Many of the reactions seemed like a mixbag to negative with some of the comments in broken translation. On one side of the coin those reaction channels should've asked him but if Matt saw the reaction videos based on his videos, he should've either made a community post about it on any of the social media platforms or just reached out to those people saying 'Hey, can you not react to any of my videos.' Like I said there could've been ways to address it.

The Severe Decline:

Now the last thing I want to talk about is the decline and by the look of the two charts, it's not pretty. In fact, this is probably the most severe decline I've ever seen out of a YouTube channel with the other one being GeePM (well talk about in a later post). Anyways, in the yearly estimate, he lost 61k subscribers in the last 30 days but for the yearly estimate is 730k subscribers which is a ridiculous amount. My guess would be that he had over 1M subscribers at some point but flushed it all away by his stupidity. Needless to say, I doubt that he'll ever recover by all of the damage Matt has done from this.

UPDATE: March 22, 2023:

Well this is actually the first time talking about an update on this guy since I made a post on Matt yesterday. Literally on the same day when I posted this, Matt made a post roughly an hour before this and it's another statement. This statement has been translated to English:

"Congratulations. You won. I will not go back to making videos. I can not take it anymore. I can no longer bear to make sacrifices and suffer for others who see me as nothing more than a joke and a villain. I can't take any more suffering for trying to be a good person. My whole life was just sadness. My parents divorced when I was 12. I suffered from severe depression for a decade. My mother deserted me as a son because I had a boyfriend at 14 to the point of crying in my face. I never had any friends in my life. That's why I speak so much English, since nobody on YouTube Brazil spoke to me, I felt more accepted outside. But none of that mattered because I was trying to make other people happy. I stopped receiving a lot of money to donate to other people. Two of my dogs are adopted from the street and I feed the animals on my street every day. I helped family, acquaintances... and strangers. But it's not enough And if me at my best is not enough, I don't want to try anymore. I'm tired of suffering because I'm helping other people. Tired of being hated for being different I've always been expelled from society, but this time I realized that if to be accepted I need to be who I'm not. I prefer to die. I always felt like I never belonged and thank you for showing that I don't belong. I give up not only on the channel, but on life.

Goodbye everyone. The world will be better off without a person who speaks another language. I hope my death makes your lives better. I hope you use your life to do as much good as I tried to do."

What this looks like is that it's a death note saying that he's better off if he's dead, which is an insane thought considering that Matt is 22 years old. It would seem like part of this is from the recent drama but I don't know.

Images & Sources:

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