Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Update on Braso: His Own Platform

Side Note: Once again, please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Holy shit. As if the tables weren't turned enough, well things just got a lot worse for this guy as he's still terrible than ever before. For those that don't know I talked about this guy in another post titled "Braso: Milking Someone For Clout" which was posted back in October of 2022. I would recommend checking that post out before reading through this one. I've also talked about other commentary YouTubers like Pointless and Naya Momoko. But anyways we are talking about Braso once again for an update because since then, he's gotten his own platform to where it garners him millions of views, just about as bad as Andrew Tate and still constantly tries to throw people under the bus.

Quick Recap:

Braso is a Commentary YouTuber much like the rest of the terrible people in the Commentary Community. He makes clickbait yet cringeworthy videos on one specific topic until it bores him to death and makes a new topic. Back when he started, he made videos related to Dream. Not just one but multiple videos all with clickbaity titles. When the Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade passed away in the summer of 2022, Braso decided to milk the living shit out of him for views and clout. He also claims that he made a $3,000 donation in support of Technoblade, but it was clearly fake as there was no legitimate proof of it happening and he kept the money he was earning to buy a new computer. Needless to say, he's a complete scumbag.

What's New:

Still Milking Content / His Own Platform:

Since I last talked about this guy in October, what has been going on in the last 3 months? Well, he's still making clickbait videos with some of the most absurd titles. The strangest thing is that he posts 4 to 5 videos a day (almost to the equivalent of LeafyisHere) and goes for the quantity route. My guess is that he divides them up into smaller durations, but like I said, they're still terrible. As of today, he's been making a ton of videos related to the douchebag SNEAKO and the douchebag Andrew Tate. Before that, it was all about milking Dream (the Minecraft Cheater) and Technoblade after his passing. I'm not kidding when I say it. There's several different tweets all about it including a reddit post.

The Ranking.
The Video Views.
The jump in views and subscribers.
The Difference in video views.

Now you may be thinking to yourself, what does this have to do with his own platform? Well apparently, he's having the most success during the month of January (which is definitely a problem). Before this change, the video views he would get were between I would say 1k-10k views. Now when he uploaded this specific video (thumbnail shown above) titled "Andrew Tate DESTROYS Piers Morgan in a Chess Match," he manages to get 1.5M views and roughly 19,000 new subscribers just from that video alone. I currently don't have the evidence to back these claims up, but it would also seem that he's clearly buying views because it makes a big difference going from 114k views on one day down to 5.1k views the very next day. Maybe he has all that charity money to buy them, I don't know It doesn't make any sense at all. YouTubers like Acheeto, Jalyn and Rayden made videos on Braso and the situation behind it. Also, what Braso's doing could get him banned from YouTube. I don't know, will just have to wait and see.

Images & Sources:

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