Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Sweet Baby Inc. Get What They Deserved

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
What a terrible name for a company. It also sounds predatory.

Well, this is the first post in the month of March and boy were in for a doozy. In case if you're wondering why I'm making post less frequent, please refer to this post so that way there isn't any confusion. But anyways, we live in a world where video games have to have a good script to make it successful. When you have a good script, you have a good game and when you have a bad script you get a terrible game. However, it's not always consistent. You can have a good script but a terrible game and vice versa. Want someone to deliver a script for you and have a terrible outcome? Well, Sweet Baby Incorporated is there to the rescue and to help solve your problems. Not really though.

Brief History:

Sweet Baby Inc. was founded in 2018 by Kim Belair who is the co-founder of Sweet Baby Inc. and the location it was founded in was in Montreal, Quebec. It is considered a privately held company with a maximum size of 11-50 employees at a time. Their primary focus is writing and editing scripts for video games and to allow more diversity/marginalize in video games to where it doesn't become problematic. So basically, the gaming company who hire's them would make them write a script or story in their own words and narrative direction on where they want to go with the game, and they would be credited in the game's credits.

The Problematic Demise:

Fight Against Steam Curator / Biases / Bad Writing:

What makes Sweet Baby Inc. bad (not just for the predatory name they came up with) is because of them having recent failures within the gaming space. It's not just them being contributors but the way on how they fail to deliver. A primary example of this would be Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League; a game that was so awful that even several reviewers made videos on how terrible the game was and don't be deceived by the positive feedback because you'll see more negative comments under that game on the steampage. This was mostly on Sweet Baby Inc's end fucking up the writing and pissing off fans of the verses, making a community turn against them.

But it doesn't end there, remember how their primary focus is writing scripts for video games and allowing more diversity/marginalized groups and where it doesn't become problematic? Well, the problem with that is Sweet Baby Inc. is very problematic injecting political ideologies no one wants in video games. That is why you see more garbage from Triple A titles and the indie genre as well. Here comes a Curator to the rescue known as Sweet Baby Inc. Detected; a Brazilian guy named Kabrutus who created the page as a tracker to find games that Sweet Baby Inc. is involved in. These titles range from unknown and known games like Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Gotham Knights to even targeting the furry community and being involved in the terrible controversial game known as Goodbye Volcano High.

Chris Kendred's problematic tweets.
Maya Felix Kramer's problematic tweets.

After the Steam Curator page was created, few days later an employee and writer for Sweet Baby Inc. known as Chris Kindred made a tweet thread being aware of the situation trying to take action and telling her followers to mass report the Curator even going so far as to not only shut down the Curator but also Kabrutus's main steam account as well. Another user by the name of @legobutts joined in on the action who also works for Sweet Baby Inc. However, this didn't take too long for the Streisand effect to begin, and many users pulled up old tweets from both Maya Felix Kramer (legobutts) and Chris Kindred's accounts and their problematic statements including racism which they swear upon. This also didn't take to long for users to turn against them.

As far as for Maya Felix Kramer, he's coming out with the defensive card saying that SBI (Sweet Baby Inc.) has games on the curator but had never touched them and yet people are digging up from him using both F and N words in older tweets. Felix is the problem and doesn't understand a word of it. Meanwhile on Kindred's end, karma came back to kick her in the ass as her account was locked by Twitter and in terms of the Steam Curator page, it's still up. Kindred would also post to her bluesky page (twitter alternative) cringeworthy shit and trying to play the defensive card. This didn't last long and she had her account suspended right after these. If more comes to this story, I will continue to update this whenever I get the chance.

Images & Sources:

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