Tuesday, July 26, 2022

GameToons: Cringy Content That's Stuck in 2020

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
This post is outdated and a couple of weeks old. Created on July 10, 2022

I've talked about animation in one other post here on this blog. The Animation/Art Community can be a great place and sometimes a terrible place. Once again it all depends on which creator/artist you view or watch. Anyways I really didn't have anything else to start with but today we are talking about GameToons: a video game animator in the animation community that mostly got popular for the Among Us trend and has a little over 4M subscribers. Thats basically what happens when a popular trend comes, people enjoy it and after a while it will become stale. Apparently, that's really not the case for GameToons as his content is literally the same thing.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

GaroShadowscale: The Entitled Money Hogging Parasite

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I also want to apologize if I left some things out of the post. If you have something for me to add, please put it in the comment section.

Let me be the first to say that I never talk about furries often here on this blog. The reason for this is well, there's a ton of them and would be long and boring if I talked about the topic for an extended period. The last furry related post I did was on LupisVulpes who was notorious for being transphobic. If you haven't seen that post, I recommend you check it out. Well today we are talking about another Furry but this time he has his own cult, his Patreon prices are ridiculously overpriced, his discord rules are strict and stalks users who follow him around and for this I give you GaroShadowscale. For some reason the drama for him keeps on building constantly and everyone has been catching on that this guy is a mentally ill patient with no morals or friends. He's essentially a dictator.

Monday, July 18, 2022

The Total Failure of N&A Productions

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The information in this post is probably old and outdated. Created on July 12, 2022

Boy let me tell you, this new generation of YouTube is by far the most awful thing on the internet. Especially when newer YouTuber's are starting out, the best ones get buried by the worst ones and it starts to question on whether or not they're still relevant. Just like with any YouTuber, most of them copy each other's content. A primary example of this is how they closely mimic their content, and for this I give you N&A Productions. Considered to be a decent but not a large channel with over 3M subscribers, Amir Fotoohi (his actual name) is one of the other channels that jumped onto the 3AM challenge trend, when in reality it's a terrible trend. I really don't understand it to say the least. This is also a guy that uses fidget spinners in the year of 2020 when the trend basically died at the end of 2017.

Sernando: King of GTA Clickbait (ft. Clones)

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It's really not a surprise when a YouTuber clickbaits all the time and when they do, they become problematic. For the general audience such as you and me, we really hate it so much. It's such a shame that throughout the past few years or so that's basically what it has come down to, not one person but multiple people jump onto the bandwagon. Especially when they claim that they have an early copy of a 'new game' when it's completely false. For this we have Sernando (originally called Sernandoe): one of the infamous yet terrible GTA clickbaiters out there and quite frankly the worst one. Or just about as bad as the other GTA clickbaiters that are still producing the same exact content to this day and nothing else.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

JellyBean And the Awful Clones

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The worst part about the terrible side of YouTube is the trends. For many, trends come and go but most of them stick around until they eventually die down. For a lot of people including myself who grew up in the early days of YouTube without any problem whatsoever, there comes a time where something becomes big enough to blow up on YouTube and we already know that it's going to become bad. Others will jump onto the same trend to create their own version, thus making it far worse than what it actually is. JellyBean is the primary example of when things go completely wrong on her end and therefor the general audience turns against her with a reason. It's a lot of things a PNGTuber can't take lightly and creating their own narrative to cover things up. I may be exaggerating on that one, but it could happen.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

LupisVulpes: Whatever Happened to Her?

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The art community can be a great place and sometimes a bad place for most people. We will have a favorite artist that we all enjoy and then all of a sudden, the hopes and dreams will come crashing down. I've seen it happen usually with the artist ranting channels but not often. It's also hard to determine which artist is trustworthy and which ones are not. It all has to do with the actions they've done recently or ones in the past and for that I give you LupisVulpes, a furry artist that is known for destroying her career with just a few words in Discord messages. After the whole debacle with her being Transphobic and Racist during the BLM Movement, she's vanished off of the internet. I also forgot to mention that she's a Christian so she can't draw anything based in the LGBTQ Community on her beliefs. The question is whatever happened to her? Did she disappear entirely off the internet for good? We'll talk more about that a little later. For those that don't know who she is, I'll give you a rundown.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

AceFest: An Amusement Park Disaster

So, apparently this was happening on July 9 of 2022 but then all of a sudden, it's now been a huge disaster. For those that don't know and are probably asking, what is AceFest? Well, AceFest is basically an amusement park put together by The Ace Family. I've talked about The Ace Family a little bit in a previous post titled 'Vlogs Are Old and Dated/Why Family Channels Are Terrible'. I never really talked about The Ace Family before (as I don't like family vlog channels) since there have been a number of controversies surrounding them. I'm not going to go through all of their controversies today since it would take too long to write but for now, I want to Focus on AceFest. I believe this was a one-time event and it took place at the beginning of July (July 9 to be exact) in Austin, Texas and they described the event like Disneyland Meets Cochella. Literally that's their tagline. Anyways this event promised a lot of things like a petting zoo, free food, free parking and many other things. It even displayed it on their website at some point before removing both free food and petting zoo leaving just the free rides, free games and free prizes.

Vlogs Are Old and Dated/Why Family Channels Are Terrible

Vlog videos. A name that exists back in the early days of YouTube. For those that don't know or unaware what Vlogs are, it's basically people who film themselves in an everyday life. Whether it would be going out for food or going to play video games/sports, it's all up to the person behind the camera to upload that content if they wanted to (hope that made any sense). I've seen vloggers upload videos that get cut from the original. It doesn't happen all the time but when it does it adds a little bonus to the original video or something extra in that regard. As the title would insist, we are talking about two particular topics in one post. The first one involves the vlog videos as to why they're old and dated and the second one leads up to the family channels (essentially the same exact thing). But before I go on with this post please do not go after these people mentioned, meaning don't go and harass/attack them. With that being said let's begin.

Friday, July 8, 2022


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We all know about clickbait. It's been around for quite some time now and it still exist to this very day. It may not be as frequent but it's still out there on the YouTube platform. You basically take that and combine it with some of the most boring cringeworthy content around while trying to exploit peoples' deaths. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you JayStation (real name is Jason Either), one of the most infamous YouTuber's (since terminated, more on that later) on the platform. A guy who has been arrested several times in the past while breaking into malls, restaurants and many others. Apparently, he also worked at costco with his mother but that's not what we're talking about.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022


Hello and welcome to The YouTuber Segment, where we discuss and talk about a variety of YouTuber's. Well, the URL for this is titled worst YouTuber Segment. Anyways this will cover mostly the bad ones because there's a ton of terrible YouTube channels out there.

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