Thursday, August 29, 2024

Whatever Happened to LOOTd

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Hello and welcome back once again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible (except this channel is not terrible). It's been a while since I last done one of these in the series. The last time I ever talked about any disappearance from a person was back in February when I made a post about CarFlo (the once friend of Chrisandthemike). Now for today, were back to bring you another person's abandonment from his channel per say and that is LOOT'd; a British YouTuber who shows off products and reviews them but around mid 2022, he suddenly disappeared.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bubthelaw: The Pathetic VTuber Bully

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person nor these people.

I'm back once again to bring you another post because this one is quite insane and it just happened pretty recently. Once again, I'll be making posts once in a blue moon or anytime at some point. But anyways, I normally don't talk about VTuber's as much anymore. In fact, I had such a distain in them because on how stupid the concept was. I will say that not every one of them is bad, only the ones that get brought up are the notorious ones. So, here's the first VTuber post I'm making in almost two years and for this we have Bubthelaw; A VTuber and a cuntbag who basically harassed a small streamer and got karma due to stupidity from her and her friends.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Free Fur All is Finally Dead

Hey everyone. No surprise to be seeing another post here on this blog. Currently, I've been focusing on life among other things so I'll try to come out with posts as much as I can but don't expect a comeback too soon but anyways. It has been a while since I last talked about this convention Free Fur All. In fact, it is considered to be my most talked about topic because on how unbearably shitty it truly is. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend searching on this blog 'Free Fur All' and kind of go through every post I made about it because not only it's a lot but also pure insane at the same time. Now from what I've heard, there had been some changes within the past few months. Now I'm 100% certain that the convention itself is dead and buried.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Fall of Super Planet Dolan (Applied to Other Channels)

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
This is an older post and was made around the time as the ProsafiaGaming post.

Alright so given the fact that I haven't posted anything in roughly 2 weeks, I figured I would drop by for another YouTuber post. Some nitter instances have been coming back online so I'm going to try and go back to what my regular schedule was before but don't count on it. Anyways, top 10 videos have been out for quite a while. Most of them use to be good while others were terrible. A primary example of a terrible one would be WatchMojo. Since where on the topic of top 10 channels, here's one that I wanted to talk about but never had the guts to do so until today and for this we have Planet Dolan. This story actually has a conclusion but to be honest, it's not a good one.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

ProsafiaGaming: The Most-Hated Longplayer [SPOILERS]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
WARNING: This post will contain spoilers. Viewer discretion advised.

Alright, so given the fact that it's been a few weeks since my last post I figured I would stop by to write a new one down. I will try to return to the normal schedule since most of the Nitter Instances are coming back online. With that being said, video games are a part of our childhoods. We grew up with a specific gaming demographic whether it would be related to Xbox, Playstation or anything related to Nintendo of some sorts. When it comes to spoilers, it's a word no one wants to hear about and this is the guy to go for if you want a game to be spoiled forever. With that we have ProsafiaGaming; YouTube's most hated longplayer to ever surface the platform.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Downfall of TJV

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person or these people.

I swear to God, these types of channels are becoming more and more pathetic by the minute especially the ones that would mainly focus on one particular community and just milk it to death. By now you've probably had heard of this guy in the past. He's considered the one who talks about drama related to the VanossGaming community as well as the drama regarding MiniLadd (Update 2 and 3). This is the only guy that talks about it the most and to be perfectly honest, that's his only content. Unfortunately, this guy who goes by the name of Trevor Volentine has basically spew up drama regarding MiniLadd's victim (WeirdGirl2364) with negativity coming his way.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Viewbait Channels are Leeches

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

When new services come out whether it would be related to video platforms, it's always bound to be the most cancerous thing on the internet that people touch. YouTube Shorts was created as an alternative to TikTok and it's just about as equally as worse as TikTok is. I guess the reason YouTube Shorts was created is because nobody wants to watch longer videos anymore, they want something quick and easy. Well today, we aren't talking about the rabbit hole that is YouTube Shorts. Instead, we are talking about a few content creators that steal people's content, makes a motivation out of it and makes profit just by doing that alone. Of course, the fair use protection is a bit of a greyscale.