Monday, June 17, 2024

Free Fur All is Finally Dead

Hey everyone. No surprise to be seeing another post here on this blog. Currently, I've been focusing on life among other things so I'll try to come out with posts as much as I can but don't expect a comeback too soon but anyways. It has been a while since I last talked about this convention Free Fur All. In fact, it is considered to be my most talked about topic because on how unbearably shitty it truly is. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend searching on this blog 'Free Fur All' and kind of go through every post I made about it because not only it's a lot but also pure insane at the same time. Now from what I've heard, there had been some changes within the past few months. Now I'm 100% certain that the convention itself is dead and buried.

What's New:

Retirement & Possibly Rebranding?:

So, the last time I ever made a post regarding Free Fur All was back on December 7, 2023, well I'm going to quote somethings that were actually true. On February 1, 2024, they made a Facebook Post explaining the situations on what's going on. They state the following (this was the part that I was correct on):

"Firstly, PeaceWolf has made the decision to resign as the Convention Chair of Free Fur All, as well as her position as President of Anthro West Open Organization, due to personal reasons. While we wish her the best in her future endeavors, her departure leaves our community at a crossroads, which leads us to...
The AWOO Board of Directors has come to the conclusion that this organization is in no shape to attempt a convention. While we could list the various challenges and reasons why, each of us knows in our heart, we are not ready. As that is the case, we will be postponing the convention portion of our organization until such time as we, the Board, feel we are appropriately equipped to do things properly, and without unnecessary duress to anyone."

So it turns out that PeaceWolf removing herself as President from her Twitter Bio was in fact true so it's no surprise there. They also go on to state that they're possibly rebranding to make it more tactical (whatever that means) and also the fact that they're hiding the pain, hate and drama which is ironically funny because of the fact that they were two years too late to the party on that one. Apparently, the Safari Sanctuary that they supported is going under because of the financials which it should've been shut down long time ago due to a history of abuse and manipulation. Unfortunately, even though they're rebranding, the entirety of Free Fur All has been shutdown. Thank god.

Images & Sources:

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