Thursday, August 29, 2024

Whatever Happened to LOOTd

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.

Hello and welcome back once again to another episode of Whatever Happened To; where we talk about YouTuber's that were very promising but soon fell apart for being terrible (except this channel is not terrible). It's been a while since I last done one of these in the series. The last time I ever talked about any disappearance from a person was back in February when I made a post about CarFlo (the once friend of Chrisandthemike). Now for today, were back to bring you another person's abandonment from his channel per say and that is LOOT'd; a British YouTuber who shows off products and reviews them but around mid 2022, he suddenly disappeared.

LOOTd (who goes by the name of Charles Lootd on Twitter) started his account on December 23, 2016 (two days before Christmas) but didn't upload anything to his channel until June 14, 2017 when he uploaded his first video of a review doing an Electric Arc Lighter. Many people saw potential with his content so he continued to upload more videos of Product Reviews. Charles second video got popular enough with the craze of the Otamatone racking up over 1 million views. Apart from the random products he would showcase, the most popular category was the musical instrument videos slightly outnumbering the Tech Unboxings. One of his most popular and yet most viewed video on his channel is in fact, the Top 5 Musical Instruments which sits at over 1.5M views.

Whatever Happened to Him:

Disappearance / The Slightest Decline:

Videos from 4, 5 and 6 years ago.

Videos from 2 years ago.

I won't go into too much detail and there's not really much to talk about him but Charles used to post really good videos of the products he reviews and showcases, but after a video he posted on the weirdest musical instruments on July 13, 2022, he disappeared off YouTube. The question is whatever happened to him? Well, to be perfectly honest nobody knows where he went. Most people suspected that he took a hiatus however that wasn't the case. For him being gone for 2 years now also brought a decline of his viewership. If you compare his popular videos from 4, 5 and 6 years ago, they were massive hits compared to the content he put out in 2022.

At the time I'm making this post it has been roughly 2 years since he left. When it comes to his socials, his last Community post says 'Going to pretend I didn't disappear for 2 month and just start uploading again 👌', his Facebook shows the video that I mentioned earlier, The channels Twitter account says the same thing as Facebook, his official Twitter is gone, Instagram is inactive with the current post going back into December of 2020 and his Patreon only has several posts with the current post from May 23, 2021. Other than that, the only thing that is active is his Discord server which was only available to the Patrons. Even though he may be gone (unless if things change), we can look back at the many videos Charles made to entertain us.

Images & Sources:

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