Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bubthelaw: The Pathetic VTuber Bully

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person nor these people.

I'm back once again to bring you another post because this one is quite insane and it just happened pretty recently. Once again, I'll be making posts once in a blue moon or anytime at some point. But anyways, I normally don't talk about VTuber's as much anymore. In fact, I had such a distain in them because on how stupid the concept was. I will say that not every one of them is bad, only the ones that get brought up are the notorious ones. So, here's the first VTuber post I'm making in almost two years and for this we have Bubthelaw; A VTuber and a cuntbag who basically harassed a small streamer and got karma due to stupidity from her and her friends.

Why Her & Her Friends Are Bad:

Bullying, Racism & Harassing Napnide / Negativity & Backlash / Response:

We might as well just talk about it now because it's crazy but not even surprising to say the least. Bubthelaw as well as @AnntanDesu (several others were mentioned) were streaming Dead by Daylight when all of a sudden, they lost from another streamer who goes by Napnide. They thought that it would be such a good idea to not only bother him in his chat, but also harass, bully him and make racist remarks calling him 'White Male'. The video above shows what they're like and their full fledge attitude towards one another.

Not too long after the video had surfaced on Twitter (among other places), Twitch got involved and banned her for 7 days (I believe AnntanDesu did too). On the day she got banned, she went to Twitter (where people go) to explain that some of the things that were said and she did in the video wasn't true yet someone added context that they did in fact do what they did and said things what they did. Of course, the community knew for a fact that the tweet was bullshit and called them out for victim blaming. This is why context and community notes are a must because everyone can know whether or not you're lying.

What followed up was a series of tweets made by Bub trying to save face 'proving' that what she said wasn't true but again not a single person was buying it. They also tried to reach out to @TwitchSupport to try to appeal the ban but it didn't work.  but at the same time, YouTuber's like Hero Hei (I talked about him way back in September) and FalseEyeD made videos talking about the situation. This happened between August 9 and August 10 of 2024. Then it got even more crazy when a user screenshotted the messages from Napnide's chat showing Baebub (Bubthelaw in this case) was saying messages like 'you aren't worth it' and 'become a better person.' Just shitty VTuber behavior at it's finest because they have nothing better to do.

But it doesn't end there. On the same day as the harassment, Napnide himself came out with a statement on twitter in reply to Bub's 7-day Twitch ban. For clarification, ggs wp means good games well played. In his response (which he remained calm and very well professional), Napnide also uncovers hidden messages that were sent to him by Bub's Co-Streamers stating that 'he should get shot' hours before the incident. Also goes on to say that all of the stuff that was mentioned was sent to Twitch immediately and that her cutting those parts out and resending them wasn't cutting it in the least bit.

About 5 days later, she made a tweet explaining that she was taken a few days off and attached her statement. I'm not going to go through her statement because in the statement she's making excuses after excuses that it's not even funny. Someone attached a community note to this tweet as well basically her downplaying the harassment and racist remarks her and AnntanDesu gave to Napnide. The statement was rewritten literally a day ago apologizing to Napnide but for AnntanDesu, she's once again making excuses on how she's been sick and ended up in the hospital that sort of thing. Both these statements were received a mixbag. Some people say that it's genuine while others are still saying that it's downplaying. In the end, will this change anything? Maybe but probably not in the long term as they were part of the drama. So in that case, don't support these bullies because they'll probably do it again in the near future. At the time I'm making this post, Napnide has over 6.5k followers on Twitch and he's doing well.

Images & Sources:

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