Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Fall of Super Planet Dolan (Applied to Other Channels)

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
This is an older post and was made around the time as the ProsafiaGaming post.

Alright so given the fact that I haven't posted anything in roughly 2 weeks, I figured I would drop by for another YouTuber post. Some nitter instances have been coming back online so I'm going to try and go back to what my regular schedule was before but don't count on it. Anyways, top 10 videos have been out for quite a while. Most of them use to be good while others were terrible. A primary example of a terrible one would be WatchMojo. Since where on the topic of top 10 channels, here's one that I wanted to talk about but never had the guts to do so until today and for this we have Planet Dolan. This story actually has a conclusion but to be honest, it's not a good one.

Planet Dolan (also known as Tom Dolan and who used to be called Danger Dolan) started his account on February 28, 2014, and uploaded his first video 5 days later on March 5, 2014, titled "20 Largest Animals of All Time." In the early days of Tom's content, it was mostly focused around top 10 or top 20 style videos because at the time not a lot of people were doing this other than a handful. Videos would continue to be posted as well as Tom starting several other top 10 channels like Danger Dolan Games and Danger Dolan Movies. These channels were short-lived with just the only thing being the main channel. One of his most popular and yet most viewed video on his channel is titled "30 Disturbing Found on Google Maps" with over 35M views and was posted on May 29, 2015.

The Big Fall:

Shima Luan's Replacement / Decline of Content:

On September 13, 2015, Tom would announce an animation channel titled Super Planet Dolan as well as rebranding his main channel from Danger Dolan to Planet Dolan. There he would introduce new people to the team as well as the most infamous person and character Shima Luan. Super Planet Dolan's video consists of animated Q&A's. Tom would give out a dumb answer to a question while the others (Shima Luan in this case) would give the correct answer. The channel rose in success with many members being added to the team and to be perfectly honest, they've been sticking with the format for years which isn't surprising. Not only that it's another way to tie into the furry community based on the characters.

Anyways, Shima's first appearance was on September 12, 2015, and her final appearance was on September 25, 2016 (1 year). Shima was the only person and character people love and was saddened to see she disappeared. People started to question what happened to her and Tom Dolan uploaded a video titled "The Future of Super Planet Dolan?" on August 11, 2017. In it, he explains what's going on in the form of answering questions and when he brought up Shima, him and his crew tried to contact her multiple times with no success claiming that they can't get a hold of her and they don't know where she's at. Thus began the rumors. Users all over started to speculate rumors with examples like this reddit thread and even searching it up on YouTube. None of which can say that she quit or was having family troubles and depression. Personally, both sides are at fault. The one side is the audience stirring up the rumors and at this point, Shima's never coming back milking every last bit of it while on Tom's side and his team fueling the story and letting it ride out.

Video views from 2015.

Video views from 2022-2023.

This is where the exact downfall begins. With all due respect, maybe Tom Dolan shouldn't have adventure out to this type of content because once you bring a person on and they disappear, people will start to raise questions as to their whereabouts. Tom came back with a video from the end of 2022 claiming that they did get in contact with Shima and just as I predicted, having family troubles or depression. By the way, the disappearance with Shima Luan had nothing to do with the decline of SPD or PD (Planet Dolan), it was mostly the same repetitive content over and over. Videos on the SPD channel went from being in the millions to some barely cracking over the 6-digit mark. Also, resorting to animated Reddit Stories is the worst type of content you can make and Reddit Stories in particular are the lowest of the low.

But then from December 16-30 of 2023, Tom released a two-part video series announcing the return of Shima. Everyone was jumping for excitement because it's been so long, however most people took notice that somethings off. They had posted a video in the middle of both parts talking about the 'New Shima.' It turns out Shima's performed by a different actor and don't get me wrong; the new voice actor is great and the more power to her content, but the thing that bugs me the most out of this is Tom doing it to shut his audience up about the rumors. Keep in mind that he brought these people onto his channels and once again you bring someone on and their gone for quite sometime, rumors will speculate and people will bring it up no matter how bad it is. Honestly, this is just a slap in the face and pretty disrespectful. The Real Shima's whereabouts are still unknown.

Images & Sources:

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