Thursday, April 18, 2024

ProsafiaGaming: The Most-Hated Longplayer [SPOILERS]

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person.
WARNING: This post will contain spoilers. Viewer discretion advised.

Alright, so given the fact that it's been a few weeks since my last post I figured I would stop by to write a new one down. I will try to return to the normal schedule since most of the Nitter Instances are coming back online. With that being said, video games are a part of our childhoods. We grew up with a specific gaming demographic whether it would be related to Xbox, Playstation or anything related to Nintendo of some sorts. When it comes to spoilers, it's a word no one wants to hear about and this is the guy to go for if you want a game to be spoiled forever. With that we have ProsafiaGaming; YouTube's most hated longplayer to ever surface the platform.

The Major Fall:

Spoiling & Leaking Games / Apology & Bullet Incident:

And we might as well talk about him. ProsafiaGaming is a person who use to do longplays of video games and then shortly after, switched over to All Bosses and Endings. This is where he gets the backlash from is from spoiling games to the people who haven't played the games yet by literally putting it in the thumbnails. The first one being Super Mario Bros. Wonder; a game that came out in October of 2023 and the other one is Splatoon 2. There are other channels that do this tactic to but Prosafia does it even worse.

His first "apology".
His second "apology" regarding Kazuya being in Smash Bros.

It's not the first time he was ever caught by this. Whenever upcoming games are announced, he'll find ways to leak the game. An example of this would be Super Smash Bros. Ultimate which he leaked, data-mined and pirated the game 2 weeks before the release day. This put people in the community to go in a frenzy with many different threads being created on this topic and even a petition on telling YouTube to shut down his channel. The inactivity wouldn't last long as he posted an "apology" letter to twitter acknowledging the hate he was getting but doubling down on the situation telling people along the lines of "If you don't like it, simply block my channel." Due to this, the hate would rebuild once again. In 2021, he made a rant regarding Kazuya (Tekken 7) being in Smash Bros. and issued a second "apology" on his twitter account. Once again, the hate would continue his way.

It's also not the first time he's received threats from people. On March 28, 2020, Prosafia makes another tweet with a picture attach on what look like a bullet through the window. Apparently, someone had doxed his info, went to his house and made an attempt to kill him. Most people speculated that it had to do with his channel and even if that were the case, the only other thing you can do is block him. Why go down at this level of literally killing someone? It doesn't make sense. I get it, people hate this guy but trying to kill someone over this is low.

Images & Source:

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