Monday, March 11, 2024

Viewbait Channels are Leeches

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

When new services come out whether it would be related to video platforms, it's always bound to be the most cancerous thing on the internet that people touch. YouTube Shorts was created as an alternative to TikTok and it's just about as equally as worse as TikTok is. I guess the reason YouTube Shorts was created is because nobody wants to watch longer videos anymore, they want something quick and easy. Well today, we aren't talking about the rabbit hole that is YouTube Shorts. Instead, we are talking about a few content creators that steal people's content, makes a motivation out of it and makes profit just by doing that alone. Of course, the fair use protection is a bit of a greyscale.

1. - Dylan Anderson:

Dylan Anderson is considered to be at least the top of the list mainly because I guess he started this trend first? I'm not particularly sure. Basically, he uploads clips (and that's what you'll find 100% of the time) and narrates them. That's pretty much what he does for his content except this is not his content. The only thing he does at least is reach out to the person and asks permission to use the clips which I guess that's a good thing, but still even if he was denied he'll find to bypass everything. Also he's considered to be the biggest leech in terms of the views that he gets and the amount of profit he makes.

2. - Brennan Rogers:

Brennan Rogers is next on our list and no I'm not talking about Brandon Rogers (the voice actor), this one is completely different. Just like Dylan Anderson, he got popular by doing the YouTube Shorts trend however he's even worse because he actually steals content and claims that he works with video firms like ViralHog (the same company that got exposed by InformOverload). See where this is going? I'm sure you do. Still going on the bullshit bandwagon, he still claims that these are his videos when in reality they aren't and in fact, he credits ViralHog as the main sources. Brennan is a scumbag stealing content for viewbaiting and it's not even funny.

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