Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Downfall of TJV

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass this person or these people.

I swear to God, these types of channels are becoming more and more pathetic by the minute especially the ones that would mainly focus on one particular community and just milk it to death. By now you've probably had heard of this guy in the past. He's considered the one who talks about drama related to the VanossGaming community as well as the drama regarding MiniLadd (Update 2 and 3). This is the only guy that talks about it the most and to be perfectly honest, that's his only content. Unfortunately, this guy who goes by the name of Trevor Volentine has basically spew up drama regarding MiniLadd's victim (WeirdGirl2364) with negativity coming his way.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Viewbait Channels are Leeches

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.

When new services come out whether it would be related to video platforms, it's always bound to be the most cancerous thing on the internet that people touch. YouTube Shorts was created as an alternative to TikTok and it's just about as equally as worse as TikTok is. I guess the reason YouTube Shorts was created is because nobody wants to watch longer videos anymore, they want something quick and easy. Well today, we aren't talking about the rabbit hole that is YouTube Shorts. Instead, we are talking about a few content creators that steal people's content, makes a motivation out of it and makes profit just by doing that alone. Of course, the fair use protection is a bit of a greyscale.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Sweet Baby Inc. Get What They Deserved

Side Note: Please do not go and attack or harass these people.
What a terrible name for a company. It also sounds predatory.

Well, this is the first post in the month of March and boy were in for a doozy. In case if you're wondering why I'm making post less frequent, please refer to this post so that way there isn't any confusion. But anyways, we live in a world where video games have to have a good script to make it successful. When you have a good script, you have a good game and when you have a bad script you get a terrible game. However, it's not always consistent. You can have a good script but a terrible game and vice versa. Want someone to deliver a script for you and have a terrible outcome? Well, Sweet Baby Incorporated is there to the rescue and to help solve your problems. Not really though.